Aug 16, 2009

Sad, but funny

The neighbors of an abortion clinic in Brookline do not want it to open - not because they are Pro-Life or anything like that, but because they do not want Pro-Life Prayer Vigil Protesters in their neighborhood.

"If you ever have observed protesters at an abortion clinic, they carry signs, which are alarming in their graphic detail of aborted fetuses. They have life-sized statues of the Virgin Mary, and they usually have somebody dressed as the grim reaper," said [former Brookline judge Thomas] May. "I don’t know how the town could have overlooked the emotional harm that could come to children by allowing the clinic to operate at that location."

I don't know how May could have overlooked the emotional harm that could come to the children in the womb, but read the full story for yourself here. And people think the Grim Reaper does not help the Pro-Life cause!

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