The MSM do not like Palin because she is a strong woman who ran a company, was a mayor, and has been a Governor for 2 years, is a mother of 5 children, is Pro-Life, and does not fit their ideal of what a woman should be. The MSM and Obama’s web site have started a campaign of distortion, such as:
- Sarah Palin banned the Harry Potter books from Alaska schools in 1996 – but the first Harry Potter book was not published until 1998!
- Us magazine cover headline under picture of Gov. Palin holding here 5 month old son Trig – "Babies, Lies, Scandal". When pressed Us Editor said the story did not claim Gov Palin told any lies, but that others had lied about her!
- MSNBC is claiming that a video of Sarah shows she said the Iraq War is "God’s plan", when she said to pray that our leaders follow God’s plan. In the video Sarah asks people to pray for the soldiers, who are sent to Afghanistan and Iraq, and who are trying to do what is right, and that we pray for our leaders so that what they do when they lead us, that when they commit our young men and women to war, that those leaders follow God’s plan and not their own.
"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God, that's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan. So bless them with your prayers, your prayers of protection over our soldiers."
- After Sarah made her self deprecating joke at the convention last week – “What’s the difference between a Hockey mom and Pit Bull – Lipstick”, this week Obama said in reference “You can’t put lipstick on a Pig – but it’s still a pig.” How Chivalrous!
Don’t believe the mainstream media hype, in November vote a Pro-Life, corruption-fighting reformer who wants to lower our tax burdens and appoint Supreme Court Judges who follow the Law without making up “rights” not remotely found in the Constitution.
Sarah's Palin's Democratic counterpart, Joe Biden, also dislikes her. He has criticized her for things such as:
1. Joe Biden Attacks Sarah Palin on Abortion, Calls Her "Backwards Step for Women"
Washington, DC ( -- In a potential preview of the lone debate between the vice-presidential hopefuls that will take place this fall, pro-abortion candidate Joe Biden is attacking Sarah Palin on abortion. In an interview, Biden said it would be a "backwards step for women" if Palin becomes the first female Vice President.
Complete article at
Washington, DC ( -- Joe Biden, Barack Obama's pro-abortion running mate, is coming under fire for comments he made today attacking vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. After attacking her on abortion, Biden then slammed Palin on the birth of her son, who has Down syndrome.
Complete article at
Biden and Obama support 4th Trimester abortions. Sarah is a better Catholic than Joe, and she's not even Catholic.
The MSM propaganda campaign against Governor Palin has been most intense. It is said that the Governor attempted to ban books in the Wasilla, Alaska, library when she was Mayor of that town. An allegation which is totally false.
It is said that she was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party which advocated secession from the United States. Another fabrication.
It is said that she sought to have the public schools teach Creationism. This too is false.
It is said that the Governor unethically fired the state's public safety commissioner because he wouldn't get rid of a state cop who at one time was married to her sister. But a little research quickly shows that the cop in question allegedly threatened to kill the Governor's father and that he may have used a Taser on his own son. Additionally, this officer has received numerous reprimands from his department and there is no one who says that Governor Palin herself asked the commissioner to fire the officer. If, as some allege, Governor Palin acted unethically, why do they not come forward?
I'm not in the business of partisan politics. I merely advance these FACTS because, like my father before me, I'm allergic to bovine scatology.
Chalk it up to genetics. And a love of truth.
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