Sep 1, 2008

Culture of Death, exposed.

St. Paul's Cathedral in Worcester, MA will host author and speaker Wesley J. Smith, author of Culture of Death - The Assault on Medical Ethics in America

Smith comes to his Pro-Life views from a secular (very secular – think Ralph Nadar) perspective.

In the Cenacle on Wednesday, September 17th at 7PM.

“Among the more disturbing of such calls I have received was from John Campbell, whose teenage son, Christopher, had been unconscious for three weeks because of brain damage sustained in a auto accident…when he developed a 105-degree fever…Campbell asked the nurses to cool his fever. They replied that first they needed a doctor’s orders. Campbell asked them to obtain it, but Christopher’s physician was out of town and the on-call doctor said no…Campbell desperately tried to reach the on-call doctor himself, but the physician refused to take Campbell’s phone calls…Christopher’s condition worsened steadily, his fever rising…to 107.6 degrees. Finally, the nurses – caught between a desperate father’s pleas and a doctors steadfast refusal to treat – insisted that the on-call doctor take Campbell’s call.
Campbell demanded that his son’s fever be treated immediately. The doctor refused. When Campbell grew more insistent, the doctor actually laughed. The boy was unconscious. His life was effectively over. What was the point?
…Today, [Christopher] lives at home with his parents where he is learning to walk with assistance. When not in rehabilitation Christopher works at a local youth center where he feeds animals and counsels at-risk teenagers. Christopher is very glad to be alive
From Culture of Death – the Assault on Medical Ethics in America by Wesley J. Smith, p.1

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