Aug 3, 2008

Opinion: Massachusetts elections

Sometimes it feels like us Pro-Life voters have been knocked up and abandoned by the Democrats – who refuse to acknowledge paternity or support, while belittling us for not aborting our belief in the Civil Rights of the smallest humans.

We Pro-Lifers in Massachusetts have an excellent opportunity to stand up for Human Rights when we enter the voting booth this Fall.

Before the Democrats jumped out in front of the Civil Rights marches in the 1960s, about 100 years earlier the Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, changed the Law. If the Law had not been changed by Abraham Lincoln – there would not have been Civil Rights marches in the 1960s – there would have been another Civil War.

An Unjust Law must be repealed, and the abortion on demand legal status in the United States must change because it is unjust. You see, Federal Law trumps State Law, and Federal Law (Doe v. Bolton and Roe v. Wade) says no state can restrict abortion unless there is an exemption for the mother health (not life). Any abortion, any time during pregnancy up to birth, is legal if done to preserve the mother’s health. But the Law (Doe) defines mother’s health as anything, such as “familiar” or family size (have too many kids, you can abort one in the third trimester). Doe also says the mother’s health includes psychological reasons – I’m not even sure what psychological means in this context, yet we have Democrat appointed judges interpreting what psychological health is, and voila – you have a de facto legal standard for abortion on demand, and a corollary of no human rights for the little guy – the unborn or almost born baby.

These legal decisions; Doe and Roe, have built a wall around abortion on demand, creating an absolute right to abort anytime, for any reason as long as the word health is mentioned.
The Republicans, the party of Reagan, can provide us with the opportunity to say to the Supreme Court, “Tear down this wall” that allows abortion on demand.

While I myself recognize the biological truth that human life begins at conception – the current state in the US mandates that I exercise my Prudential Judgment and vote for a Republican who may not share the exact belief of myself and my Church, but who never-the-less will work for some progress to be made at stripping away this dark privilege of abortion on demand, this license to kill the little guy.

I am pleased to announce that several Republican candidates in Massachusetts present us with a real and viable choice to bring back both common sense and a respect for Life – for the little guy – and these candidates have the opportunity, a real opportunity, to defeat the dark Democratic doctrine of abortion on demand!

For US Senate I recommend former Army Delta Forces (Grenada), FBI and CIA, as well as successful business owner and Pro-Life candidate Jeff Beatty . No Catholic of conscience could reasonably vote for John Kerry given his adamant defense of abortion on demand, as well as his fame as Planned Parenthood’s pocket warmer. But Jeff Beatty is not simply the other, he brings not only a Pro-Life attitude, but a can-do common sense sadly needed in our government, and he brings it at a time when John Kerry is vulnerable (Kerry failed so squash Democratic Primary opponent Ed O’Reilly’s bid for his job). Jeff Beatty needs money and volunteers. Please help.

For US Congress in the 1st District, Western MA and parts of north Worcester county including Barre, I recommend vetern (Afghanistan and Iraq) and Pro-Life candidate Nathan Bech over Planned Parenthood’s other pocket warmer (100% NARAL rating) John Olver. Nathan Bech promises to make health care affordable for individuals and businesses without mandates or sacrificing quality and will be a steward of our Natural Resources – not just trees but unborn kids too.

For Massachusetts State Representative in Southbridge, Charlton and Brookfields I recommend Southbridge Town Council Chairman, leader in the fight against higher property taxes, and pro-life candidate Ron Cherninsky, over neophyte darling of the abortion and homosexual lobbies, Geraldo Alicea (back stabber on Traditional marriage too).

For Massachusetts State Representative in Uxbridge, Webster I recommend Kevin Kuros over double-speaking (even when sober) current rep Paul Kujawski, who also pulled a Brutus move on Traditional Marriage supporters.

I will make more recommendations as I gather information on candiates. Again I emphasize there is some Prudential Judgment that goes into this recommendation process, but for the most part it is really very easy – the Democrats are so entrenched with the abortion and homosexual lobbies that almost any Republican would be an improvement. My standards will not be perfect, but they will be higher than just “other”.

Free speech can be expensive, and entrenched Democrats have much Free Speech in their bank accounts, so if you can, please consider a donation to these gentlemen defenders of life, or consider offering your time and voice to make phone calls for them. Also please be tireless in mentioning there qualities and the real opportunity we in Massachusetts have to begin the changes necessary to building a Culture of Life. This is eminently a worthwhile cause.

Also there will be a fundraising BBQ Sun. Aug. 17, 2008 3-7PM for Ron Chernisky and Kevin Kuros. Contact me for details. $35 in advance, $50 at the door.


JayG said...

Also please vote for Stephen Comtois.

Paul Anthony Melanson said...

In his Encyclical Letter Libertas Humana, Pope Leo XIII explained that: "It is manifest that the eternal law of God is the sole standard and rule of human liberty, not only in each individual man,but also in the community and civil society which men constitute when united. Therefore, the true liberty of human society does not consist in every man doing what he please, for this would simply end in turmoil and confusion, and bring on the overthrow of the state; but rather in this, that through the injunctions of the civil law all may more easily conform to the prescriptions of the eternal law . . . the binding force of the human laws is in this, that they are to be regarded as applications of the eternal law, and incapable of sanctioning anything which is not contained in the eternal law, as in the principle of all law . . . where a law is enacted contrary to reason, or to the eternal law, or to some ordinance of God, obedience is unlawful, lest while obeying man we become disobedient to God."

Human laws are "incapable of sanctioning anything which is not contained in the eternal law." This is crystal clear Catholic teaching. There is no room for doubt. All other "laws" are unjust and are, therefore, not laws at all. And Catholics are not bound to obey them. In fact, Catholics have a duty to resist them. As I mentioned in a previous post, "Any law supportive of same-sex 'marriage' is no law at all. This because any law which is promulgated must correspond to the divine law. No human authority can declare what is morally evil to be morally good. Laws permitting slavery, abortion, euthanasia, divorce and "marriages" between persons of the same gender are immoral, and therefore unjust (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I-II, q. 96, a.5)."

The Democratic Party has become the political party of opposition to the divine law. This is most unfortunate.