Aug 22, 2008

the eyes have it

In 1929 photographer Alphonso Marcue noticed a bearded man in the right eye of our Lady of Guadalupe in a black and white photograph he had taken of St. Juan Diego’s tilma. In 1951 Jose Carlos Salinas Chavez discovered that the same bearded man was also in the left eye of the Virgin. 1956 ophthalmologist Dr. Javier Torroella Bueno, MDS, certified what seemed to be the presence of the triple reflection (Samson-Purkinje effect) characteristic of all live human eyes and stated that the resulting images were located exactly where they were supposed to be according to such an effect, and that the distortion of the images agree with the curvature of the cornea.

The same year ophthalmologist Dr. Rafael Torrija Lavoignet observed the same effect with an ophthalmoscope and noted a unique appearance of the eyes: they looked strangely "alive".

In 1979 Dr. Jose Aste Tonsmann, Ph D, scanned at very high resolutions a very good photograph the original tilma, and after filtering and processing the digitized images of the eyes to eliminate "noise" and enhance them, he discovered four human figures whom he identified as "the Indian", "bishop Zumarraga", the "translator", and "Juan Diego” showing his tilma.

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