Jun 26, 2008

Root Cause

Great Post on the The Hermeneutic of Continuity blog on a talk by Claire and Stuart McCullogh about the real reasons women seek abortions: hint - they realize it is a live baby but feel coerced into this choice because they forgot (or do not understand) the connection between sex and pregnancy. Sampling:

One of the implications of their experience is that "proving" that the fetus is human is not the most important thing. Women know this but feel that in their case they have to make this choice. It is much more important to prevent the cause of abortion at its root, namely sex with no intention of having children.

The "reason" for abortion in most cases is "contraceptive failure". The majority of the women they see are using contraception, have assumed that it works, and that they will never have a child. It doesn't always work and the failure rate is cumulative so a great many partners who are contracepting will sooner or later be faced with an "unplanned pregnancy"...

Therefore they encouraged the priests not to limit themselves to speaking about the evils of abortion, but to tackle the root cause which is sex before marriage and the use of contraception. Without tackling these issues, preaching about abortion will be limited in its effects.


Renee said...

The problem with contraception....

From Dr. J


"Pill broken down by demographic groups. It turns out that poor, cohabiting teenagers using the Pill have a failure rate of almost 50%: 48.4% to be exact. That means, out of 100 low income girls taking the Pill, who are under the age of 20 and living with their boyfriends, 48 of them will have a pregnancy within 12 months.

People usually gasp when I show that chart. (Last year I did an article on the subject. The lefty netroots went nuts.) My South Carolina teachers weren’t surprised. They see “contraceptive failures” among their students all the time. A little thought will tell you why the failure rates are so high: the women aren't using their contraception correctly. Prof. Trussel confirms this point:

“Studies have shown women miss three times as many pills as they say they do. Computerized pill packs have revealed that … between 10 per cent and 14 per cent admitted missing more than three pills in a month, actually between 30 per cent and 50 per cent missed that many.”

Now you tell us, after years of government sponsored contraceptive education, that women still aren’t using it consistently or correctly. Experts like Dr. Trussell have given up on educating women on proper contraceptive use. His preferred solution is long-acting hormonal contraceptives, like implants and injectables. In other words, he proposes that women chemically neuter themselves during their peak child-bearing years."

How far will they go to make woman's bodies sexual objects for others.

JayG said...

Thanks Renee,
Good to hear from you and hope all is well with you and your family.
It's also good to read these types of facts coming from an Economics PHD. Ms. Morse says, the Thrill of a lifetime is life long love.

Renee said...

What concerns is contraception management wants young gives to be on long term contraception that they can't willingly remove without the aid of a doctor.

Will women be denied financial aid if they don't prove they are on contraception?

Just imagine how a young man will treat a woman without any fear he might father her child?

I'm doing well BTW ... going to give birth literally any hour now with baby #4.

Jerry said...

The folks at LifeVoice here in WI are among those leading the way on this issue. Check them out at


Among other things, they are engaged in a campaign to educate and encourage our bishops to see the abortion-contraception connection, and to begin teaching it boldly.

If you're interested, i have also added my two cents, in a series of a half dozen blog posts, beginning with this one


O, and by the way, don't vote for Obama!

JayG said...

God bless you and your family Renee.

Wasn't Bishop Burke in LaCrosse before St. Louis? I guess that speaks well of WI. How are the rest of your Bishops?

Jerry said...

Yes, Burke was Bishop of LaCrosse (the home of LifeVoice), but then again, Weakland was Archbishop of Milwaukee, so WI is a mixed bag of sorts, mostly still quite liberal, both politically and ecclesiastically. We have a fairly new bishop here in Superior, Peter Christensen, consecrated just last fall. He seems pretty reasonable, but so far no bold moves to correct some things that need correcting...

Speaking of the abortion - contraception connection, we mustn't forget the stalwart Fr. Tom Euteneuer and the people of HLI, and their unashamed proclaiming of the prophetic truth of Humanae Vitae. See more at this link or this one.

Speaking of Archbishop Burke, and of Humanae Vitae, Burke will be speaking at this upcoming Humanae Vitae conference:
