Prayer Needs;
Health and spiritual needs: “For our new president-elect- MUCH prayer! ... for with God..NOTHING is impossible! ... that The Holy Spirit descend fiercely upon his soul that he be given the gift of holy fear and holy discernment to enlighten his mind, heart and soul to the evil of abortion.”
Monique and her baby Miracle from Baltimore, Special Prayer request for Caroline; for relief from debilitating depression, for the ability to apply self-help dbt skills, for confidence to apply her newly learned Health Aide skills to her job search, and that her job search be fruitful. Also that she receive the money owed her from the estate of her father, that her home be spared from foreclosure (St. Joseph) and protected, and that she overcome her feelings of disappointment, helplessness and being spent, since mourning the death of her husband a year and a half ago to a car crash. Bill G., Becky, Mark F. and others who are currently job seeking, toddler Moshe Holtzberg who’s parent’s were killed in Mumbai, Minnie P.; Vite T., baby Alyssa born prematurely at 2lbs, she's fighting for her life, Barry K. young man with Prostate cancer. Fr. Aloysius Nuolabong detached retina, Tom Brady, Lexi - 4 year old girl with Leukemia, Alice B., Kathleen jaw surgery (she’s fallen away but actually asked her mom to pray for her), John at St. George’s, Jacob cancer, conversion of younger sister Jane who is leaving her husband, and has a 2 year old, pray for reversion to her Faith. John H. heart attack Fran recovery from ACL surgery, Michele who is four months pregnant with her fourth child – who was diagnosed with Downs and a heart defect and Mom is being pressured to abort, Michele’s husband for a change of heart, Jim G. back surgery Wed 6/25, Gary G. - vertigo, Tina - advanced cancer; Jennifer - bi-polar depression; Jan - special intention; Tony L.- Alzheimer's and vision loss, Fred M. pneumonia, Barbara, Curt (heart valve replacement infected and needs to be replaced again) and sons, Bob back surgery, Ted Kennedy conversion before he dies, Rachel Lee, a ten year old with a brain tumor."for a couple with marriage problems" and their two young kids, For Mary and her young son Ryan that they may live in peace and happiness in their new home, Continued Grace for Karen and Bill and for all the folks' at the Barre Rosary/prayer group; David and Annick; Amy and Shawn, For the success of The Divine Mercy conferences in Rome, Deb H’s dad Gerard Thibert rushed to ICU and her mom RoseMarie, Alex collapsed at a high school track meet,had to have CPR, and is still unconscious in the hospital, with liver and kidney damage and possible brain damage, Elizabeth Dubay - muscular dystrophy, Shawn L. - broken arm in two places requiring surgery, Shari W's daughter Lyme disease, Robin cancer, Kay Pingeton-serious health issues; Jean-personal intention, Alex, a fifteen year old boy from Worcester who has been transferred to Boston Children's Hospital with heart failure resulting from a flu-type cold, K. Carlson cancer, Patrick Swayze, Sheila M. and Dennis P. conversion, Larry with Lymphoma, 9-year Ethan serious surgery, Luke Thrun and family, 8-year-old Prayers answered for Allie with collapsed lung and medically induced coma she's doing much better, Stacey (brain cancer) and Joe Persichetti, and their unborn son, John, Fr. Thomas Coover Bishop John McCormack and Fr. Edward Arsenault of New Hampshire, thanks for the successful kidney donation by Emmanuelle to her son Rémy, Joseph S. cancer Debbie S. musculor dystrophy, Rob in Worc. County House of Correction, Alice F., Nancy R. serious infection, freshman Christina L. and her college room-mate, My cousin Barbara B. Leukemia, Police Officer "Mike" in Georgia very seriously wounded while on duty, Nancy A. cancer, Ed Snell and John McTernan, David Y. to get a good job; for Eric Young; John Settle- advanced cancer, Mike Cormier bone marrow transplant, Dean's brother thyroid cancer, Yvonne and her son, Jan H's father and siblings in this time of her mother's death, John Benoit coronary bypass recovery, his wife Phyllis and all the Benoit and Bernard families, Jamie kidneys, Peter, For "Eddy" to realize Confession is a pre-requisite to Communion; P,D,A,M,B; "Mimi"; Mike; Kate W; Kate; Beth; Cory; Dan and family and a very special intention; Jack; Katie K., Julie M., Carmine, Yanni, Nancy, Mary L. stroke (and her mother), Jane and Ethan spiritual conversion, 15-year-old Nikki - very painful neuralgia. Carrie, Kevin Dolan; Kristin S., Cheryl S., Roland K.-leukemia; Tom and Barbara D. and children, Holy Cross, Sheila, Mike and family, Olivia near death, Michele T. and family, Sylvia, Courtney and kids, Mary R., Leah L. and family, Anne with Huntington's, Ruthie, "Mother of Mercy" field alter at the Divine Mercy, Johanna and her family, Anderson family, Tom in prison, Jack, Mary A., Skip Morley cancer, Flora Kunst -cancer, Rich Bard -cancer; Dave C.’s ministry and God’s will, Deb S's father for exploratory heart surgery, murderer Devaughdre Broussard, Tom B. in the Marines; Richard-emphysema, John Thomas who just joined the Marines, Andy Meier, and all injured in the Medjugoria bus crash, 4 year old girl Sky with inoperable brain tumor, House for Franciscan Nuns at St. Pauls, Rob McSheehy heart, Edward and Claire Young and family; Marie J., Janesse H., Steve, Thea and Sebastian, Lila Cystic fibrosis, Luanne cancer, Clement Krug lost intestines to cancer, McConahy family, Debbie V. housing, Patricia's nurse friend who calls priests for the dying, Terry near death with family problems, the following have cancer; Chris D. Henry V., "Abel" from Ghana, John Gagen Maxine H.. Heather Grimes and her team in Australia and their sponsorship, and the families of all the kids she meets, Phyllis McAuliffe, Claude D. lung cancer, Paul M. GBS, John C. esophagus, Judy C. lung cancer, Jenny, 15-year old boy named "T.J." and his parents, "M.R. Jr." and family, "L.B.", Carlene F., Baby Michael to thrive, 2-year old Jacob had a seizure, Mary Carmen Parenchyma lung cancer, Al Freeman, Special intention for Patricia, Larry C. Sarah L., Mike Paul's daughter Dee's health, Denise suicide who left 5 kids and husband. Justine brain cancer, Rosemary Shevchuk lupus; Deborah Harding; Gwen and Greg; Paula and Jim and family; Greg Anderson in the Marines in Iraq; Michael Morin in the Air Force in Iraq; Florienne Shevchuk; Anne Boudreau. Robert, Susan and Rob (divorced) and their girls Molly and Mackenzie, that they find God. Chris C., Lisa H. and family, and Vite T., Kathy L's mom, ‘Hopey’ McAulliffe (14), epilepsy and strength and direction for her mom Debbie, Anthony Leone, Rosalind Pingeton, Gayle McAulliffe, Shirley Somadelis, Makbulay 95 year-old women at Holy Trinity nursing home, Bernard family, Barbara Hoaglund stroke, Shawn P. liver, employment, Mike P‘s family life and marriage, Shane B., 12 year old with lymphoma, Richard and Dorothy B. health, Katie of 'Erin and Katie; Edmund Bachand loss of sight; Cindy Hagan cancer; Ginny P cancer; John B age; Peggy O'Shea; Rod M.; Cheryl G. and family; Chris T, Jim C, Bridget’s mother, neuropathy. Also please pray for the work and the people of The Marians of the Immaculate Conception; the "13th of the month club" at the Divine Mercy; the "Friends of Mercy" club in all Stockbridge, MA.
Conversion: all our fallen-away friends and family members, Alan L., John H., Brett M., the parents of young Emmet and Sophia, who want to go to Church. Conversion for Tommie and his fellow atheists (Stardust), and for the hearing in Tommie’s right ear so that he would convert at this sign. Larry W. Jones. President of TV Land. Harry Forbes, the Director of the USCCB Office for Film and Broadcasting.
Thank you for continuing to place me in your prayers Jay, you are in mine as well.
Perhaps we will one day live in a society that believes in treating all people with dignity regardless of their differences.
Perhaps it will be good Christians like yourself that will help us find "The Way".
Pax Christi
It would be helpful that in treating each other with dignity while upholding defending our beliefs that we do not label as hate holding those beliefs
I agree. With this new thread comes the opportunity to leave behind our old injuries and concentrate on His glory.
I hope you will encourage your friends who post here to do the same.
Through His love all things are possible.
We are only in His love when we accept and live by His Commandments (John 15). A sodomite "lifestyle" is not keeping His Commandments. Calumniating others is not accepting His Commandments. The Decalogue teaches us not to bear false witness against our neighbor. This John Hosty has done repeatedly.
Perhaps the time has arrived for this anti-Catholic homosexual activist to be banned from this Blog?
Just an idea. But with his continued calumny against Catholics, I believe a fair one.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which represents the authoritative Magisterial teaching of Christ's Church, teaches us that, "The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are 'sins that cry to heaven': the blood of Abel, the sin of the Sodomites, the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan, injustice to the wage earner." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1867).
These are the worst sins and indicate a hatred of God. This is why Romans Chapter 1 verse 30 describes sodomites as "haters of God."
Right Ellen. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, "Four other sins are considered grave also. These sins not only offend God, but men as well. Thus these four sins are called "the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance" and are likewise mortal sins. These grave sins are:
The voluntary murder (Genesis 4:10)
The sin of impurity against nature –Sodomy and homosexual relations (Genesis 18:20)
Taking advantage of the poor (Exodus 2:23)
Defrauding the workingman of his wages (James 5:4)"
I agree with what you wrote in the other thread about the impossibility of dialogue with John Hosty. Better to just ignore him and pray for his conversion.
Thanks Ellen for that wisdom. It's time to move on.
Peace be with you.
We have Christ's peace and have no need of your false peace, the peace offered by Antichrist, the peace of the world.
We have the peace which only comes from following God's Commandments. The peace you know nothing of.
Pax Christi.
OK, Anti-christ? Come-on people! John Hosty is making an ass out of all of you because he is acting more christian than you.
It would be better to say nothing to him than to utter such angry words.
Thank you for much for continuing to keep my daughter in your prayers, Jay. It took months, but we finally figured out what's causing her intense physical pain -- Lyme Disease.
Now that we have a diagnosis, she's on the right medications and the doctors guarantee she'll be cured eventually. So we wait and pray for God's healing powers to give her back her precious young life and lead her in new ways based on the challenges she's faced and overcome these last 7 months.
God bless.
Yes Antichrist Kevin. Those who reject Christ's Commandments belong to the spirit of Antichrist. Your ignorance of Scripture is appalling.
John Hosty is no Christian. Christians don't practice sodomy. Same-sex "marriage" is not Christian "Kevin."
Marie, try not to poison another one of Jay's threads with your hatred.
Funny how I am continuously respectful to you and you continue to escalate the name calling. First I'm demonic, now I'm an anti-Christ. What can you come up with next?
Let's put some thoughts into perspective. I was born into a traditional Catholic family with two nuns for great aunts. I myself went to contemplate being a priest for 2 and a half years, and helped bring St' Joseph's youth group to see Pope John Paul II in Denver in 1993. My family taught me to be loving and affirming of everyone, regardless of their backgrounds or failures; even yours.
The reason I left the Church is people like you, who would rather spend their time hating those who are different than them, and in doing so create Hell on Earth for everyone, including themselves.
That hate has no place in Christian life, and it is my intention to draw this behavior into the spotlight so that people can see for themselves how wrong it is. I'm surprised that there have not been more comments like Kevin's by now.
Your type of behavior leads people who want to be part of the Church to leave it for less caustic atmospheres. This isn't about their sins or my sins. I left the Church before I had accepted my homosexuality or acted upon it. People like you drove me away because they sensed I was different, and they just plain don't like that.
That is not the way you are supposed to behave as a Christian and you know it, so stop the lies.
I have no intention of ever stopping my crusade to inform the world of behavior like yours because it is in the absence of Christ's love that we find true evil. That evil is manifesting itself in your words right now.
Children who are gay need not experience this if you would just let it go. Hurting people's feelings with your words does not bring anyone closer to God.
God did not appoint you His personal judge and jury. He knows what He is doing, He doesn't need you speaking for Him and interefering in His work.
It's called faith Marie; learn some. God hasn't written me off yet, but you'd think He has the way you talk.
I forgive you your trespasses as I wish to be forgiven mine as the Lord's daily prayer asks of us.
John, no one is buying your lies or your victimhood. As Jay has so correctly noted, you play the victim while attempting to manipulate this forum.
You have engaged in calumny which is gravely sinful. In doing so, you have displayed a level of hatred which is deeply disturbing. You have tried to condone homosexual acts which are "intrinsically disordered" (Catechism 2357) and have labelled those of us who refuse to accept your sodomy and your sodomite "marriage" as a hate group.
Your attempts to control this forum are indicative of an individual with a disturbed personality.
Perhaps you would be more comfortable visiting homosexual Blogs than Christian ones? If you were really looking for peace you wouldn't be visiting this or any other Christian Blog.
Your cheap tactics have absolutely no effect on us. Try them on someone more in keeping with your intellectual level. You know: dull normal.
I heard how there was an ongoing conversation here between Catholics and homosexuals. After reading the posts, it seems to me that the homosexuals who post here can't complain at all. When you post at another person's website, you should be respectful of that person and his or her beliefs. I don't think calling people bigots or accusing them of being a hate group is going to facilitate charitable dialogue. I mean, let's be serious right?
Excellent article written by a woman raised in a homosexual home. The link to the article is below
This isn't the first time Catholics have experienced blatant hostility at the hands of homosexual activists. Read what Paul Melanson wrote some time ago:
I forgive you Marie as I do all those who put their own hate before God's will. Trouble is, it is not my forgiveness you need.
Pax Christi
John, no one here is buying into your victimhood. You are not a victim, you are a perpetrator of hatred and violence. Every act of calumny is an act of violence. Every time you have calumniated Paul, JayG, Larry, or any of us who oppose homosexuality because of our Catholic Faith, you have committed an act of violence.
You have shown nothing but contempt for Catholics and Catholic teaching. And your lies and hatred are a mark of shame.
Return to the sacraments John. Repent of your hatred and your lies.
All this being said I am still able to dialog with the respect to all here that one would want for themselves.
Pax Christi
May Christ's love wash away both your sins and your anger, leaving you able to see His will at work.
Child Molestation and Homosexuality
By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.
Dr. Cameron is Chariman of the Family Research Institute of Colorado Springs, Colorado USA.
Ann Landers says the statement "Homosexuals are more inclined to molest children sexually than heterosexuals" is false. The American Psychological Association has sponsored a work that asserts: "Recognized researchers in the field on child abuse,... almost unanimously concur that homosexual people are actually less likely to approach children sexually."
Why is it, then, that we read about sex between boys and men in every newspaper? Does it merely reflect sensationalist journalism? We know that heterosexual molestation also occurs. But since there are so many more heterosexuals than homosexuals, which kind of child molestation – homosexual or heterosexual – is proportionately more common?
The Scientific Evidence
Three kinds of scientific evidence point to the proportion of homosexual molestation: 1) survey reports of molestation in the general population, 2) surveys of those caught and convicted of molestation, and 3) what homosexuals themselves have reported. These three lines of evidence suggest that the 1%-to-3% of adults who practice homosexuality (3) account for between a fifth and a third of all child molestation.
Reports of Molestation by the General Population
In 1983, a probability survey of the sexual experiences of 4,340 adults in 5 U.S. cities found that about 3% of men and 7% of women reported sexual involvement with a man before the age of 134 (i.e., 30% was homosexual).
In 1983, a random survey of 3,132 adults in Los Angeles found that 3.8% of men and 6.8% of women said that they had been sexually assaulted in childhood. Since 93% of the assailants were male, and only 1% of girls had been assaulted by females, about 35% of the assaults were homosexual.
The Los Angeles Times surveyed 2,628 adults across the U.S. in 1985. 27% of the women and 16% of the men claimed to have been sexually molested. Since 7% of the molestations of girls and 93% of the molestations of boys were by adults of the same sex, about 4 of every 10 molestations in this survey were homosexual.
In a random survey of British 15-to-19 yr olds, 35% of the boys and 9% of the girls claimed to have been approached for sex by adult homosexuals and 2% of the boys and 1% of the girls admitted to succumbing.
In science, a review of the professional literature published in a refereed scientific journal is considered to be an accurate summary of the current state of knowledge. The latest such review was published in 1985. It concluded that homosexual acts were involved in 25% to 40% of the cases of child molestation recorded in the scientific and forensic literature.
Surveys of Those Convicted
Drs Freund and Heasman of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto reviewed two sizeable studies and calculated that 34% and 32% of the offenders against children were homosexual. In cases they had personally handled, homosexuals accounted for 36% of their 457 pedophiles.
Dr. Adrian Copeland, a psychiatrist who works with sexual offenders at the Peters Institute in Philadelphia, said that, from his experience, pedophiles tend to be homosexual and "40% to 45%" of child molesters have had "significant homosexual experiences."
Dr. C. H. McGaghy estimated that "homosexual offenders probably constitute about half of molesters who work with children." Other studies are similar:
– Of the approximately 100 child molesters in 1991 at the Massachusetts Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons, a third were heterosexual, a third bisexual and a third homosexual in orientation.
– A state-wide survey of 161 Vermont adolescents who committed sex offenses in 1984 found that 35 (22%) were homosexual.
– Of the 91 molesters of non-related children at Canada’s Kingston Sexual Behaviour Clinic from 1978-1984, 38 (42%) engaged in homosexuality.
– Of 52 child molesters in Ottawa from 1983 to 1985, 31 (60%) were homosexual.
– In England for 1973, 802 persons (8 females) were convicted of indecent assault on a male, and 3,006 (6 of them female) were convicted of indecent assault on a female (i.e., 21% were homosexual). 88% of male and about 70% of female victims were under age sixteen.
Because of this pattern, Judge J. T. Rees concluded that "the male homosexual naturally seeks the company of the male adolescent, or of the young male adult, in preference to that of the fully-grown man. [In 1947] 986 persons were convicted of homosexual and unnatural offences. Of those, 257 were indictable offences involving 402 male victims.... The great majority of [whom]... were under the age of 16. Only 11%... were over 21."
"[T]he problem of male homosexuality is in essence the problem of the corruption of youth by itself [i.e., by other boys] and by its elders. [And thereby]... the creation... of new addicts ready to corrupt a still further generation of young men and boys in the future."
What Homosexuals Admit
The 1948 Kinsey survey found that 37% of the gays and 2% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-17-yr-olds, and 28% of the gays and 1% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-16-yr-olds while they themselves were aged 18 or older.
In 1970 the Kinsey Institute interviewed 565 white gays in San Francisco: 25% of them admitted to having had sex with boys aged 16 or younger while they themselves were at least 21.
In The Gay Report, 23% of the gays and 6% of the lesbians admitted to sexual interaction with youth less than 16 years of age.
In France, 129 convicted gays (21)(average age 34 years) said they had had sexual contact with a total of 11,007 boys (an average of 85 different boys per man). Abel et al reported similarly that men who molested girls outside their family had averaged 20 victims each; those who molested boys averaged 150 victims each.
About a third of the reports of molestation by the populace have involved homosexuality. Likewise, between a fifth and a third of those who have been caught and/or convicted practiced homosexuality. Finally, a fifth to a third of surveyed gays admitted to child molestation. All-in-all, a rather consistent story.
Teacher-Pupil Sexual Interaction
Nowadays parents are labeled bigots for fearing that homosexual teachers might molest their children. But if homosexuals are more apt to molest children and are in a positon to take advantage of them, this fear makes sense. Indeed, accounts of disproportionate homosexual teacher molestation appear throughout the scientific literature.
The original U.S. Kinsey study reported that 4% of the non-criminal white gays and 7% of the non-criminal white lesbians reported that they had their first homosexual experience with a ‘teacher or other caretaker.’ None of the heterosexuals were recorded as having a teacher as their first sex partner.
In England, Schofield reported that at least 2 of his 150 homosexuals had their first homosexual experience with a teacher and an additional 2 reported that their first homosexual contact with an adult was with a teacher. One of the 50 men in his comparison group had also been seduced by a homosexual teacher, while none of the men interviewed claimed involvement with a heterosexual teacher.
In the 1978 McCall’s magazine study of 1,400 principals, 7% reported complaints about homosexual contact between teachers and pupils and 13% reported complaints about heterosexual contact between teachers and pupils (i.e., 35% of complaints were homosexual). 2% "knew of instances in which teachers discussed their homosexuality in class."
Of 400 consecutive Australian cases of molestation, 7 boys and 4girls were assaulted by male teachers. Thus 64% of those assaults were homosexual.
In 1987, Dr. Stephen Rubin, associate professor of psychology at Whitman College, conducted a 10 state survey and found 199 sexual abuse cases involving teachers. 122 male teachers had abused female pupils and 14 female teachers had abused male students. In 59 cases, however, male teachers had abused male pupils and in 4 cases female teachers had abused female students (overall 32% were homosexual).
A 1983 survey asked 4,340 adults to report on any sexual advances and any physical sexual contact by elementary and secondary teachers (4% of those who were teachers in the survey claimed to be bisexual or homosexual).4 29% of the advances by elementary and 16% of the advances by secondary school teachers were homosexual. In addition, 1 of 4 (25%) reports of actual sexual contact with an elementary school teacher were homosexual. In high school, 8 (22%) of 37 contacts between teacher and pupil were homosexual. 18% reported having had a homosexual teacher (8% of those over the age of 55 vs 25% of those under 26). Of those reporting a homosexual teacher, 6% said that the teacher influenced them to try homosexuality and 13% of the men and 4% of the women said that the teacher made sexual advances toward them.
Whether examining surveys of the general populace or counts of those caught, homosexual teachers are disproportionately apt to become sexually involved with children.
Proportionality: The Key
Study after nationwide study has yielded estimates of male homosexuality that range between 1% and 3%. The proportion of lesbians in these studies is almost always lower, usually about half that of gays. So, overall, perhaps 2% of adults regularly indulge in homosexuality. Yet they account for between 20% to 40% of all molestations of children.
Child molestation is not to be taken lightly. Officials at a facility which serves about 1,500 runaway youngsters each year estimate that about half of the boys have been homosexually abused and 90% of the girls heterosexually assaulted. Investigation of those suffering severe chronic mental illness implicates child molestation as a primary cause (45% of Bigras et al’s (28) patients were homosexually abused).
If 2% of the population is responsible for 20% to 40% of something as socially and personally troubling as child molestation, something must be desperately wrong with that 2%. Not every homosexual is a child molester. But enough gays do molest children so that the risk of a homosexual molesting a child is 10 to 20 times greater than that of a heterosexual.
Goals of the Gay Movement
The gay movement is forthright about seeking to legitimize child-adult homosexual sex. In 1987, The Journal of Homosexuality – the scholarly organ of the gay rights movement – published "Pedophilia and the Gay Movement." Author Theo Sandfort detailed homosexual efforts to end "oppression towards pedophilia." In 1980 the largest Dutch gay organization (the COC) "adopted the position that the liberation of pedophilia must be viewed as a gay issue... [and that] ages of consent should therefore be abolished... by acknowledging the affinity between homosexuality and pedophilia, the COC has quite possibly made it easier for homosexual adults to become more sensitive to erotic desires of younger members of their sex, thereby broadening gay identity."
In 1990 COC achieved a significant victory: lowering of the age of consent for homosexual sex in Holland to 12 (unless the parents object, in which case it goes up to 15). In the U.S. and Canada, the North American Man-Boy Love Association marches proudly in many gay pride parades with the stated goal of removing the barriers to man-boy sex. Note the phrases "oppression towards pedophilia" and "liberation of pedophilia." It is clear that those who advocate the legalization of sex between adults and children intend to argue that such conduct is a "civil right," deserving of the same legal protections afforded to other minorities. A large proportion of Americans regard that argument as a mere pretext to giving "sexual predators" free reign to take advantage of vulnerable children.
Not only is the gay rights movement upfront in its desire to legitimize sex with children, but whether indexed by population reports of molestation, pedophile convictions, or teacher-pupil assaults, there is a strong, disproportionate association between child molestation and homosexuality. Ann Landers’ claim that homosexuals molest children at no higher a rate than heterosexuals do is untrue. The assertion by gay leaders and the American Psychological Association that a homosexual is less likely than a heterosexual to molest children is patently false.
Since the goal of the homosexual movement is to "legitimize child-adult homosexual sex," the time has come to ask John Hosty if he supports adult-child homosexual sex.
This is a double posted question, you'll find my answer in depth on the other thread:
It suffices to re-itterate that I disapprove of any and all sexual repations between an adult and a child.
People are not a stereotype, we are defined by our personal actions. No one should assume that just because someone of a certain group behaves a certain way the rest of that group will be the same. That's discrimination.
On December 2, 1983, the American Psychological Association sent Paul Cameron a letter informing him that he had been dropped from membership. Early in 1984, all members of the American Psychological Association received official written notice that "Paul Cameron (Nebraska) was dropped from membership for a violation of the Preamble to the Ethical Principles of Psychologists" by the APA Board of Directors.
APA Ignored Evidence that Homosexual Behaviour is Part of Psychiatric Disorder Says Noted Psychiatirst
WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, July 25, 2005 (LifeSiteNews) - In an interview with the Rome-based Zenit news service, Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons a psychiatrist and member of the Catholic Medical Association, said that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has ignored evidence that homosexual behaviour is a manifestation of a psychiatric disorder. In their recent call for the legalization of homosexual marriage, the APA has revealed a political bias that is of no service to homosexuals, said Fitzgibbons the primary author of the Catholic Medical Association's document 'Homosexuality and Hope.'
Fitzgibbons, the co-author of a book on forgiveness published by the APA, said the APA has also chosen to ignore the potential impact on children in those "marriages." It is being increasingly proven that children have a critical psychological need for a stable family life with a mother and a father, which the homosexual lifestyle cannot provide.
At the APA's most recent convention in Atlanta, the 250 delegates passed a resolution stating, "In the interests of maintaining and promoting mental health, the APA supports the legal recognition of same-sex civil marriage with all rights, benefits and responsibilities conferred by civil marriage, and opposes restrictions to those same rights, benefits and responsibilities."
Fitzgibbons lists a host of psychological difficulties faced by those who accept a 'homosexual orientation' as normal. He said, "These include major depression, suicidal ideation and attempts, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, conduct disorder, low self-esteem in males and sexual promiscuity with an inability to maintain committed relationships."
He noted also that, "'homophobia' is not the cause of these disorders, as many of these studies were done in cultures in which homosexuality is widely accepted." These studies, he said, along with evidence of the medical problems associated with un-natural sexual practices, have been ignored by the APA.
Other groups attempting to help individuals afflicted with homosexual tendencies also responded to the APA endorsement.
The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) Scientific Advisory Committee Chairman Dr. A. Dean Byrd, told the online homosexual news magazine, The Southern Voice, "There's just not science backing these policies. I think organizations ought to be guided by science, not activism."
Even one member of the APA said that the organization had overstepped its bounds. Dr. Daniel Cowell, a member of the West Virginia Psychiatrist Association said, "I think the rationale makes sense only if the APA is involved in political issues--and it most certainly is not. This strays beyond our bounds. We should stay out of it."
Read the Zenit interview:
Read the book, Homosexuality and Hope, co-authored by Dr. Fitzgibbons:
Jay, I want to commend you for your pro-life activism as reported in this week's edition of The Catholic Free Press (pp.1,6).
It should be gratifying for you to know that your hard work in defense of human life has not gone unnoticed.
I have to wonder why the word genocide in the first paragraph of the article was placed in quotation marks. Otherwise, Ms. Connor wrote a good article.
Peace of Christ and again, great work.
Jay, this is supposed to be a posting of your prayers list. Why do individuals have to turn it into another form of dialogue?
Jay, could you delete all responses that have nothing to do with prayer?
When we defend the faith, we ARE engaged in prayer. But I think that the inappropriate post by "ambivorous" should be deleted.
Why is it the most espoused devout Catholics are the one most unlike Christ. So much anger and hatred, even if you can't see it for yourself, that's what is so evident here.
Anger isn't necessarily a sin. Neither is hatred. There is holy anger. There is hatred of sin and not persons.
You say that we are "most unlike Christ." You therefore set yourself up as judge of our interior dispositions. But this is for God alone.
Is it that we are so "unlike Christ" or that you cannot even recognize Christ in your neighbor any longer?
"You therefore set yourself up as judge of our interior dispositions. But this is for God alone."
John, I have to respond to this. Here on DTF some of you have used very harsh words in judgment of me. How is it that you can say that anonymous can't judge you back?
I believe anyone can call themselves Christian, but to actually be one you have to act like one. That involves love first and foremost.
How do you personally show your love for gay people?
By what terms can gay people live in peace with people like you should they decide to stay as active homosexuals?
What standards of conduct to expect as well as place upon yourself?
It is by answering questions like these that we come closer to understanding one another.
It is not you we are judging. It is your hatred and your obstinate defense of a perverted "lifestyle." We are commanded to hat the sin and love the sinner. Loving the sinner entails telling them the truth. In this case that your homosexual acts will be judged by the Lord Jesus and you will receive the penalty for your perversity unless you repent.
We Catholics refer to that eternal place of self-will as Hell John. The soul which rejects God's Holy Will and opts instead for its own will receives from the Lord Jesus what it wants: an eternity in Hell.
John H.
All I can say is that the only unforgivable sin is to not ask God for forgiveness, and the only problem is that sin blinds us, so sin tends to drag us away from repentance, from even thinking we might need to ask for forgiveness. Please try to remember this. God bless.
"Funny how I am continuously respectful to you"
In a cynical and deceiving way
Nobody buys it Hosty - we have seen and heard you on other blogs with your paranoid delusional conspiracy theories and aggressive and hateful attacks on anyone who doesn't agree with you.
You have instigated violence upon me by publishing my phone number.
All because I wanted to let people vote on marriage.
Again - The UCC or Unitarians are waiting to welcome you with open arms, as they have major problems with Catholic Doctrine. Please go join them and find your "peace" instead of making everyone here miserable.
Jay, thank you for not once asking me to leave your blog although my presence here has caused much commotion. Peace and blessings be with you. May God help guide you in your quest to find truth and to represent His will.
I will reserve my posts here for when they are pertinent rather than allow more fighting to continue here caused by my presence.
"May God help guide you in your quest to find truth and to represent His will"?
Funny, I was under the impression that Jay had already found the truth in the Catholic Church.
Evidently only the "Queer Gospel" represents "truth" for John Hosty. What a shame. At least he freely acknowledges that any "fighting" at this blog is caused by his presence.
Now maybe he will ask himself why that is. Why is it that peace and tranquility vanish whenever he posts here. We don't see the same discord when he's not around. Interesting.
Give it a rest William, I said I was going. Did you want to keep me here by posting more insults I have to respond to? Show me in your actions what Christ is about.
I believe his point is that you fail to reflect Christ's Peace and Truth. It is not William who needs to "give it a rest." It is you.
Mr. Hosty has left a comment here in which he says, "Jay, thank you for not asking me to leave your blog although my presence here has caused much commotion."
It would be prudent at this juncture for Mr. Hosty to reflect upon why this is. Dishonesty in dialogue and a "win at all cost" approach which leads to what Gabriel Marcel referred to as the "techniques of degradation" adds nothing to sincere and authentic dialogue.
On many an occasion, Mr. Hosty has engaged in calumny directed at those who simply disagree with him. Twice at his Blog he has accused me of "supporting hate" without mentioning that it is the sin of homosexuality which I hate and not the person who engages in homosexual acts. In point of fact, I defended Mr. Hosty at this very Blog, the same Blog at which he has labelled me a "bigot" so very many times.
In a post entitled "Paul 'Fire and Brimstone' Melanson, Mr. Hosty ridiculed one of my sources writing, "Reisman has her Masters of Arts and Doctorate in Philosophy and communications. How exactly does that make her an expert on sex?"
And yet, without any degree in theology or philosophy, Mr. Hosty nevertheless considers himself some sort of "expert" on Church teaching as he proposes distorted ideas regarding Church teaching at his own Blog (e.g., the sensus fidelium).
Since Mr. Hosty refuses to acknowledge the opinions of certain individuals regarding sexual matters because they are not experts, he must concede that since he is not an expert in matters of Church teaching, he should respect those who are. And most especially the Pope and the Bishops who are united with him. For they represent the Magisterium of the Church. They have been granted authority by Christ to teach in His name.
It's not that Mr. Hosty is not welcome at my Blog or that I have "contempt" for him as he has asserted. If he wants to post comments at La Salette Journey, he knows what he must first do.
"And yet, without any degree in theology or philosophy, Mr. Hosty nevertheless considers himself some sort of "expert" on Church teaching as he proposes distorted ideas regarding Church teaching at his own Blog (e.g., the sensus fidelium)."
Mr. Melanson, you may have noticed that there are others who post articles to my blog. There are two "Johns", I did not post that article. Again I have to remind you to check your facts...tsk, tsk.
If you want to clear the air feel free to comment on my blog. I, unlike you, will not prevent your comments from going through so long as you have a point and not an insult to share. Occasionally I have to censor Paul Jamieson because what he has brought was a peety attack, but I allow dissenting opinions. Inm fact I encourage them!
How else do we learn and grow without challenging ourselves?
"If he wants to post comments at La Salette Journey, he knows what he must first do."
Is this how you treat other people you consider sinners, or is your censoring only against GLBT people? How telling...
Referring to the article "Paul Fire and Brimstone Melanson,"John Hosty writes, "I did not post that article." Really? And yet, according to his blogger profile, the Blog "Live, Love, Learn" is his.
Since he is at least co-owner/contributor of that Blog, he bears some of the responsibility for its content. He cannot absolve himself of any and all culpability.
And John, you have slandered Paul Melanson at this Blog. This is why he refuses to post your comments. You have slandered him with false accusations of supporting hatred (and Jay as well) and have said numerous times that he is a "bigot."
Your hatred and your libel are speaking volumes to all who visit this Blog.
John Hosty wrote a comment here in which he said, "Mr. Melanson, you may have noticed that there are others who post articles to MY blog. There are two "Johns,' I did not post that article. Again, I have to remind you to check your facts...tsk tsk."
And so, once again John Hosty has lied. I checked his Blog (emphasis on HIS Blog as he admits himself, "MY Blog") and he did in fact post that article. It says "posted by John Hosty-Grinell."
Before you lie John, you should check your story.
Mr. Hosty, as I stated previously, dishonesty contributes nothing positive to an authentic dialogue. You posted an article entitled "Paul 'Fire and Brimstone' Melanson at your Blog Live, Love and Learn. In this most unfortunate article, you accuse me of supporting hatred toward homosexual persons and refer to my Blog as "anti-Gay."
Now you are denying that you posted this article and have written, "I have to remind you to check your facts.."
I don't have to check my facts Mr. Hosty. I had already copied the article which you posted at your Blog. You see, I like to keep my affairs regular. At the end of your Blog article is the following statement: "Posted by John Hosty-Grinnell at 6/04/2008 05:13:00 PM"
Anyone who would like a copy of this Blog post may email me at:
In the future Mr. Hosty, please remember that dishonesty in communications can be harmful to the common good and often betray a profound lack of charity.
John Hosty has embarassed himself again. His lie reveals to all what he is. He's not here for real dialogue. He will say anything to try to discredit others. He is a liar and a manipulator.
He is what he is.
Perhaps his Blog should be renamed. I propose, "Live, Lie and Libel."
Lewd, Lascivious and licentious?
William is right. John Hosty has embarassed himself. Too many times. What is truly sad is that each time he lies, each time he engages in manipulation, each time he engages in calumny, he does harm to his soul. It's those little choices made each and every day which determine what we become.
Every time John Hosty lies or slanders another, he defines himself as a liar and as one who engages in false witness.
It is tragic that he doesn't even have the moral integrity required to accept personal responsibility for the hateful article on Paul. Instead he attempts to assign blame elsewhere.
Pray for John.
"Mr. Hosty nevertheless considers himself some sort of "expert" on Church teaching as he proposes distorted ideas regarding Church teaching at his own Blog (e.g., the sensus fidelium)."
Unless I am missing your point you are saying that I claim to be an expert based on the proof you bring here; "sensus fidelium."
This article named sensus fidelium, the supposed proof you bring, clearly states who wrote it:
Posted by John at 6/09/2008 08:47:00 AM
I have to laugh that your supporters don't even need to know what's going on in the conversation in order to take pot shots at me. Did you actually forget you made this point or were you just going with the flow as not to embarass them?
Blinded by hate those who are lost to it's madness walk hand and hand with the Devil, claiming all the while to be God's chosen.
No one cares what you have to say any longer. Your lies have revealed what you are. You are not worth any further attempts at dialogue. You have sinned mortally by slandering others.
To all astute readers who visit this Blog:
John Hosty, a homosexual activist who routinely slanders those who won't embrace his Gospel of Sodomy, has been caught in yet another bold-faced lie and is attempting to fanagle his way out of it.
After Paul Melanson wrote the following:
"Mr. Hosty has left a comment here in which he says, "Jay, thank you for not asking me to leave your blog although my presence here has caused much commotion."
It would be prudent at this juncture for Mr. Hosty to reflect upon why this is. Dishonesty in dialogue and a "win at all cost" approach which leads to what Gabriel Marcel referred to as the "techniques of degradation" adds nothing to sincere and authentic dialogue.
On many an occasion, Mr. Hosty has engaged in calumny directed at those who simply disagree with him. Twice at his Blog he has accused me of "supporting hate" without mentioning that it is the sin of homosexuality which I hate and not the person who engages in homosexual acts. In point of fact, I defended Mr. Hosty at this very Blog, the same Blog at which he has labelled me a "bigot" so very many times.
In a post entitled "Paul 'Fire and Brimstone' Melanson, Mr. Hosty ridiculed one of my sources writing, "Reisman has her Masters of Arts and Doctorate in Philosophy and communications. How exactly does that make her an expert on sex?"
And yet, without any degree in theology or philosophy, Mr. Hosty nevertheless considers himself some sort of "expert" on Church teaching as he proposes distorted ideas regarding Church teaching at his own Blog (e.g., the sensus fidelium).
Since Mr. Hosty refuses to acknowledge the opinions of certain individuals regarding sexual matters because they are not experts, he must concede that since he is not an expert in matters of Church teaching, he should respect those who are. And most especially the Pope and the Bishops who are united with him. For they represent the Magisterium of the Church. They have been granted authority by Christ to teach in His name.
It's not that Mr. Hosty is not welcome at my Blog or that I have "contempt" for him as he has asserted. If he wants to post comments at La Salette Journey, he knows what he must first do."
John Hosty responded:
"Mr. Melanson, you may have noticed that there are others who post articles to my blog. There are two "Johns", I did not post that article. Again I have to remind you to check your facts...tsk, tsk."
However, he did in fact post the article which constitutes libel against Paul Melanson. This fact has been documented. It is indisputable. And this is the reason why Paul won't publish any comments by John Hosty.
As for the article on the sensus fidelium, he shares responsibility for it since it was published on his Blog.
John Hosty cannot be trusted.
Mr. Hosty's tactics are cheap and devilish. He knows full well that the thrust of Paul's comment was why he has banned him from posting at La Salette Journey.
This is why Paul wrote, "Twice at his Blog he has accused me of "supporting hate" without mentioning that it is the sin of homosexuality which I hate and not the person who engages in homosexual acts. In point of fact, I defended Mr. Hosty at this very Blog, the same Blog at which he has labelled me a "bigot" so very many times...It's not that Mr. Hosty is not welcome at my Blog or that I have "contempt" for him as he has asserted. If he wants to post comments at La Salette Journey, he knows what he must first do."
John answered him by implying that he didn't write and post the article but that another John did. He knew full well which article Paul was referring to given the context. Paul would have no reason to ban him because of his post on the Sensus Fidelium. Instead, it is John Hosty's slanderous article titled "Paul 'Fire and Brimstone' Melanson" which he must acknowledge as such and remove. Until John makes this situation right, Paul will not publish his comments. And I don't blame him.
Marie, Mr. Hosty does consider himself some sort of "expert" who is free to "correct" Church teaching. This is why he published the dissenting piece on the sensus fidelium and added this comment of his own: "Life is about change and growth. You cannot have growth without change, the two go hand and hand. Those regimes that feel they already have all the answers in spite of new challenges are doomed to the same fate as all the rest who fall to hubris.
If anything people like Bishop Robinson breathe new life and faith into those who have fallen away or have had little exposure to the love of Christ. I'll take courage and inclusion over fear and exclusion any day, whether GLBT people are the topic or not.
Sooner or later people will see all forms of discrimination as wrong. The philosophies of today are the social policies of tomorrow."
But the teaching of the Church cannot change. And by labelling the Church's teaching as a form of "discrimination" and referring to the Magisterium as merely a "regime," John is setting himself up as an "expert" even though he has no degree in philosophy or theology.
Ellen, it is indeed most unfortunate that Mr. Hosty views the Church's teaching regarding homosexuality as merely another form of "discrimination" which must be eradicated. Recall the teaching of the Catechism: "Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that 'homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.'" (2357).
In other words, the Church's constant traditon on the gravely sinful nature of homosexual acts is rooted in Sacred Scripture, God's Holy Word - His Revelation to man.
Jay has an important post on conscience which I would recommend to all, and especially dissenters. This because dissenters often feel pastorally justified because dissent lessens the burden on the faithful by encouraging them to follow their own consciences against the Church's teaching. Conceiving conscience legalistically and disregarding the possibility that the norms they contest might be truths, dissenters do not consider whether they might be encouraging self-deception, obduracy in sin and presumption. Rather, they think that those who insist on received moral teachings impose unnecessary guilt on people, and that pastoral prudence demands that this guilt be relieved.
Such people don't understand the Church's teaching on conscience. As the Catechism reminds us, "Conscience must be informed and moral judgment enlightened. A well-formed conscience is upright and truthful. It formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed by the wisdom of the Creator. The education of conscience is indispensable for human beings who are subjected to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own judgment and to reject authoritative teachings." (1783).
Therefore, Mr. Hosty is engaging in hypocrisy when he dismisses the opinions of others because they do not possess a degree in the field they are speculating on while he freely engages in attempts to "correct" the authoritative teaching of the Church. And this he has done on a regular basis.
Gosh, I never knew how much you all cared! OK, since you have all come out to make sure I don't go I'll stay for a while more. ;)
In a world where we recognize God as the creator of all, everything must have it's place, even me. The fundimental fact you have wrong is that homosexuality is not a choice. I see no sin in being born as God made me. In fact I find it disrespectful to Him not to cherish all things as having been His blessing.
Catholicism once taught that the universe revolved around the Earth, and anyone who said otherwise were imprisoned or worse. This is not exactly the best track record if you want people to rely on your version of the truth.
I have spiritual advisors who I trust highly and are well respected members of the community. Their education can match anyone's here.
The basic truth is that you fear your neighbor's freedom. Control over your neighbors is not a luxury this country allows people without sound need. Let one of you cast the first stone and tell me how their rights have lessened since mine were elevated.
I've said this before and I'll say it again now, you hate GLBT. That's why you have no policy in place to help them back to the church, or how to deal with GLBT in a peaceful manner.
Perhaps we will one day live in a society that believes in treating all people with dignity regardless of their differences. Clearly that day is not today.
John, we care enough to provide you with the truth and to expose your erroneous views. It is you who have it wrong. You are not free to replace the authoritative teaching of the Church with your own opinions. Dei Verbum of Vatican II (which you've obviously never read or understood if you did read it) teaches us that:
"the task of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church, whose authority is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ. This teaching office is not above the word of God, but serves it, teaching only what has been handed on, listening to it devoutly, guarding it scrupulously and explaining it faithfully in accord with a divine commission and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it draws from this one deposit of faith everything which it presents for belief as divinely revealed.
It is clear, therefore, that sacred tradition, Sacred Scripture and the teaching authority of the Church, in accord with God's most wise design, are so linked and joined together that one cannot stand without the others, and that all together and each in its own way under the action of the one Holy Spirit contribute effectively to the salvation of souls." (DV, 10).
Paul is right. You are engaging in hypocrisy by suggesting that people like Judith Reismann cannot speak on sexual matters because their field of professional competence lies elsewhere while at the same time speaking out on sexual matters and/or matters of theology and philosophy yourself when YOU are not an expert in any of those areas.
Your profile indicates that you are a store manager. What qualifies you to speak on matters of Church teaching? And even if you were a theologian (and you most certainly are not, exhibiting an ignorance of Church teaching which is simply stunning), you wouldn't be free to oppose authoritative teaching.
Answer two questions John: 1. What gives you the right to speak out on Church teaching without a degree?; and 2. If you possess the right to speak out on Church teaching (and we're not speaking of a "right" to dissent here) and express your opinions, why doesn't Ms. Reismann have the right to speak out on sexual matters?
You cannot have it both ways John. Even an uneducated store manager should possess sufficient common sense to realize that.
"Answer two questions John: 1. What gives you the right to speak out on Church teaching without a degree?; and 2. If you possess the right to speak out on Church teaching (and we're not speaking of a "right" to dissent here) and express your opinions, why doesn't Ms. Reismann have the right to speak out on sexual matters?"
The first amendment to the Constitution gives me the right to question the church, and my questioning of Ms. Reismann's education in the field of Psychology does not diminish her freedom to say what she wishes. She has every right to say her mind, as do you, and as do I.
Thank you John. You were the one who wrote: "Reisman has her Masters of Arts and Doctorate in Philosophy and communications. How exactly does that make her an expert on sex?" You're a store manager. How does that make you an expert on sex? Or on Catholic theology?
Understand? You reserve the right to express your views on different matters. Allow Reismann, who is far more educated than you, to do the same.
At least she has a graduate degree in philosophy which permits her to form more intelligent and coherent arguments than someone who is just, shall we say, a store manager.
P.S. John,
You said that the Constitution grants you the "right to question the church." This is something the U.S. Constitution cannot do. It grants you the right to express your views - no matter how erroneous they are. But no document may provide anyone with a right to dissent from Church teaching. All rights come from God. As creatures created by God, we possess only contingent rights - rights afforded to us by God. And God has not granted anyone the right to dissent from the teachings of His Church.
Marie, what is with the hostility? Dispense with the ad hominem attacks, they just make you look like you can't argue me on a fair playing field. Just in case you didn't know, store managers are allowed to go to college, which I did. Yes, I said:
"Reisman has her Masters of Arts and Doctorate in Philosophy and communications. How exactly does that make her an expert on sex?"
When does a question diminish or increase in value because of who asks it? The point was that she was refuting a known expert in the field. She's no expert on sex, she just has opinions, like I do. Those opinions should be afforded the value of someone who lacks that expertise.
I make no claim anywhere that I am an expert on anything in particular aside from knowing what it is like to live in fear and self loathing because of outdated and discriminatory teachings.
The rights of this federal government are provided by the will of the people, not God. I have the right to question anything I wish. If the matter in question is a solid idea it will stand the test of scrutiny by all. The church is not above reproach, nor is it infallible.
Remember that you are living in a nation that has 6 million Muslims, not to mention the other denominations that don't agree with what you believe. Honestly, your defense that I can't question the church is mere hubris.
You have no right to dissent from Church teaching. You can object until you are blue in the face. But you will still be wrong. And your obstinate refusal to accept the teaching of Christ will form a significant part of your judgment.
Here is what an expert has to say about homosexuality, a Saint and a Doctor of the Church, Peter Damian:
According to Damian, the vice of sodomy "surpasses the enormity of all others," because:
"Without fail, it brings death to the body and destruction to the soul. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the mind, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust: It leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind . . . It opens up Hell and closes the gates of Paradise . . . It is this vice that violates temperance, slays modesty, strangles chastity, and slaughters virginity . . . It defiles all things, sullies all things, pollutes all things . . .
"This vice excludes a man from the assembled choir of the Church . . . it separates the soul from God to associate it with demons: This utterly diseased queen of Sodom renders him who obeys the laws of her tyranny infamous to men and odious to God . . . She strips her knights of the armor of virtue, exposing them to be pierced by the spears of every vice. . .
She humiliates her slave in the church and condemns him in court; she defiles him in secret and dishonors him in public; she gnaws at his conscience like a worm and consumes his flesh like fire . . . this unfortunate man [he] is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails, and the mind's vision is darkened.
Unmindful of God, he also forgets his own identity. This disease erodes the foundation of faith, saps the vitality of hope, dissolves the bond of love. It makes way with justice, demolishes fortitude, removes temperance, and blunts the edge of prudence."
The Church is infallible in matters of faith and morals. It is you who are fallible, not Christ. He has guaranteed the Church infallibility. She teaches in His name. When you say that she is not infallible, this is the same as saying that Christ is capable of error.
You will answer to Him for your attack on His Person.
William was right. You are a waste of time.
Perhaps you should actually read what St. Peter Damian says, instead of misquoting, misrepresenting, and making a mockery of it.
John, you deny the infallibility of the Church. This is very revealing. In the words of Fr. Felix Sarda Y Salvany:
Liberalism, whether in the doctrinal or practical order, is a sin. In the doctrinal order, it is heresy, and consequently a mortal sin against faith. In the practical order it is a sin against the commandments of God and of the Church, for it virtually transgresses all commandments. To be more precise: in the doctrinal order Liberalism strikes at the very foundations of faith; it is heresy radical and universal, because within it are comprehended all heresies. In the practical order it is a radical and universal infraction of the divine law, since it sanctions and authorizes all infractions of that law.
Liberalism is a heresy in the doctrinal order, because heresy is the formal and obstinate denial of all Christian dogmas in general. It repudiates dogma altogether and substitutes opinion, whether that opinion be doctrinal or the negation of doctrine. Consequently it denies every doctrine in particular. If we were to examine in detail all the doctrines or dogmas which, within the range of Liberalism, have been denied, we would find every Christian dogma in one way or the other rejected, from the dogma of the Incarnation to that of Infallibility. None the less is Liberalism in itself dogmatic; and it is in the declaration of its own fundamental dogma, the absolute independence of the individual and the social reason, that it denies all Christian dogmas in general. Catholic dogma is the authoritative declaration of revealed truth, or a truth consequent upon revelation, by its infallibly constituted exponent. This logically implies the obedient acceptance of the dogma on the part of the individual and of society. Liberalism refuses to acknowledge this rational obedience and denies the authority. (23) It asserts the sovereignty of the individual and the social reason, and enthrones Rationalism in the seat of Authority. It knows no dogma except the dogma of selfassertion. Hence is it heresy fundamental and radical, the rebellion of the human intellect against God.
It follows, therefore, that Liberalism denies the absolute jurisdiction of Jesus Christ, who is God, over individuals and over society, and, by consequence, repudiates the jurisdiction which God has delegated to the visible head of the Church over each and all of the faithful, whatever their condition or rank in life. It moreover denies the necessity of divine revelation and obligation of every one to accept that revelation under pain of eternal perdition. It denies the formal motive for faith, viz., the authority of God revealing, and admits only as much of revealed doctrine as it chooses or comprehends within its own narrow capacity. It denies the infallible magistracy of the Church and of the Pope, and consequently all the doctrines defined and taught by this divine authority. In short it sets itself up as the measure and rule of faith, and so really shuts out revelation altogether. It denies everything which it itself does not proclaim. It negates everything which it itself does not affirm. But not being able to affirm any truth beyond its own reach, it denies the possibility of any truth which it does not comprehend. The revelation of truth above human reason it, therefore, debars at the outset. The divinity of Jesus Christ is beyond its horoscope. The Church is outside its comprehension. The submission of human reason to the Word of Christ or its divinely constituted exponent is to it intolerable. It is, therefore, the radical and universal denial of all divine truth and Christian dogma, the primal type of all heresy, and the supreme rebellion against the authority of God and His Church. With Lucifer its maxim is: "I will not serve."
While you cannot accept the Church's infallibility, you proclaim yourself infallible as you claim to "correct" the Church.
My comment seems not to have gone through, so let me repost it. Jay, if you have erased this post on purpose please let me know what it was you find offensive and I can reword myself to suit your censorship. I'm tring in earnest to participate in an important debate that matters to all of us. If you are going to throw in the towel let's at least do it the right way and say so.
Alan, that's quite a long answer for someone you deem a waste of time. ;)
Doesn't what Alan said pretty much paraphrase what you all are thinking? Let's be honest here. You think GLBT people aren't worthy of even the effort to draw them closer to God by your efforts. That's why all of you feel so free to talk to me with such disrespect. To you I am untermenschen.
The sad truth is that I am here to save you from yourselves. Do not dwell on your brother's sins, dwell on your own. I am confident that when God judges me I will be rewarded for my actions on Earth, and I'm not interested in someone selling me their version of Christ.
Let's review some of the things you've said:
"You have no right to dissent from Church teaching. "
Not only do I have that right, I'm actively using it to help others like myself who were once caught up in the idea that we are inherently evil just because we are gay. God judges men on their actions and their intents since He alone can look into the heart of a man and deem him worthy or unworthy.
"...your obstinate refusal to accept the teaching of Christ will form a significant part of your judgment."
I follow Christ's teachings as a fellow Christian. You might have noticed their are other denominations of Christianity other than Catholicism, so I guess I'm not alone in thinking you have it wrong on the matter of equality.
"Here is what an expert has to say about homosexuality, a Saint and a Doctor of the Church, Peter Damian"
I'll not bother with addressing every word of this fire and brimstone, but it suffices to say that they see the lives of GLBT people as horrific, and yet you still can't muster any compassion as Christ commands. Show me one kind word here that could lead someone to believe there is something besides fear and hatred of people like me. Don't waste you time looking, it isn't there.
"The Church is infallible in matters of faith and morals."
The church used to teach that slavery was moral, the Spanish Inquisition was moral, and even to this day it teaches women that they are inferior to men by it's own heirarchy. Let me know if you need more examples of how the Church is fallible and we can discuss the child sexual abuse cases.
"He has guaranteed the Church infallibility."
I've never seen this said this same way, care to cite me a verse to read?
The church's teachings say that she and Christ are one in the same, but that is not what I observe. I see a deity so bursting with the joy of life that He comes to us in the flesh and brings healing and peace to whomever He meets. The focus on love is a distant memory it seems to me, and those who run His church on Earth ARE fallible, proving so many times over.
"You will answer to Him for your attack on His Person."
Here we go with the straw man argument set up. I'll not let that comment go unchallenged. When I lay blame on you for your personal actions do not don the clothes of Christ and pretend I speak of Him.
Wake up people! Can't you see this hatred is wrong? Don't you understand Christ wants us all to find a way to live together peacefully? Honestly, I don't see the problem with you having your opinions and me having mine. It's the same level of respect you'd give anyone else, and whether or not the church sees us equally our goverment still promises it.
Some people claim all GLBT people are superficial and selfish. I will be walking to raise money for the North Shore Cancer Center on Sunday. If anyone is interested they can donate by clicking the link on my site or just google north shore cancer walk. This is only one example of the dedication I and others have to our fellow citizens in spite of your inability to respect our work.
The worst part of all is the insults and misrepresentations that go on here, knowing that you people don't even know me, yet you speak like you do. What is prejudging a sign of? ;)
Let's remember the two great commandments Christ left us: Love God and "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" — Matthew 19:19
Challenge yourself to continue to grow rather than stagnate. We do not have to approve of one another in order to live together as peaceful neighbors.
"Juris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere; alterum non laedere; suum cuique tribuere"
(These are the precepts of the law: To live honorably; to hurt nobody; to render to every one his due.)
"While you cannot accept the Church's infallibility, you proclaim yourself infallible as you claim to "correct" the Church."
In order to be infallible one has to be perfect. Perfection allows no mistakes. The church has made countless mistakes, therefore it cannot be infallible. This is simple logic, nothing complex at all.
As far as your claim that I proclaim myself infallible, that is an outright lie I challenge you to quote me as saying.
What a pity. We have people who say they are devout Christians using lies to asassinate the character of their opponents, and using Christ as an excuse to behave badly.
What does God think of dishonest people Ellen?
Infallible means to be prevented from teaching in error on matters of Faith and morals, it does not mean impeccable or an inability to sin.
Must you always redefine things?
Not everything is God's blessing, even though He created the world, the world is broken because of sin, and therefore it is wrong to insinuate that everything is God's blessing - much of what you praise is individuals turning away from God, and turning away from the Natural Law.
I suppose you could argue that Sin is not a choice, but...then again I think the only sin you recognize is intolerance of homosexual sex, which is why you intimidate with your Expose Thy Neighbor to Ridicule and worse Web site.
Your fundamental mistake is to view the separation from God, the turning away from God, as a creation of God, which means you have created a God in your mind who contradicts Himself in order for you to do what you want to do.
"Catholicism once taught that the universe revolved around the Earth". Huh? Which catechism? If this is true, why weren't Kepler and Copernicus thrown into jail, or worse. They were before Galileo.
The basic truth is that you fear our proclaimation of the Truth, and Evangelization of the good news, the Word, you fear it because it hinders the mental and spiritual numbness necessary to continue in self-centeredness. The companion emotion of fear is hate. It is you who hate us. Which is why you resort to intimidation.
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
Main Entry: in·fal·li·ble
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)in-ˈfa-lə-bəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin infallibilis, from Latin in- + Late Latin fallibilis fallible
Date: 15th century
1 : incapable of error
The church has made many mistakes over the years and is not infallible in it's teachings. The fact that even today a woman cannot become Pope is proof the church is not infallible. Everyone knows women are every bit as capable of anything a man is. I don't believe that Christ intended to keep women from being leaders in the church, I think that came from men.
The teaching to shun anyone is simply wrong, there is no need. We are not our brother's keepers, we are only called to be in action like Christ.
"Not everything is God's blessing"
I see everything, even tragedies, as God's work and I thank Him for it. In 1998 we had a house fire and lost everything, but instead of lementing my losses I realized I should be less materialistic and more appreciative of the gift of life itself.
When I came down with pheochromocytoma in 2000 I didn't focus on the disease, I again focused on the positive of how great life is. It seems clear to me through these experiences that even tragedy has it's place in the Divine Plan, and there is a positive we can extract, learn from, and grow stronger by.
Perhaps we just have different perspectives, but I don't see the world as going down the drain. I see a world of people who more by the day have the love for life. They are also learning to live together as friends, inquisitive and respectful of each other's differences.
"much of what you praise is individuals turning away from God"
If you honestly think that, you are wrong. You've already read proof against this as my focus in this very post. Let's be clear; my issues are not with God but rather the direction the men in charge of the church have taken it.
"which is why you intimidate with your Expose Thy Neighbor"
Why do you find dialog intimindating? All I have ever done is talk about what I think and how I feel. What I have observed and heard from others. I read the Bible and see something completely different (it seems) than you, a message of peace, love, hope and joy for all individuals. I come here and want to understand better what the issues are and see if there is room for peace. Yet for the most part I just get schoolyard style insults rather than honest reciprocation. Is that what you find intimidating?
Are you really going to argue me that the church has thrown people in jail for teaching things we now know were true? Come on Jay, everybody knows this!
"The basic truth is that you fear our proclaimation of the Truth..."
This is yet another baseless character asassination attempt.
"and Evangelization of the good news"
and another...
"you fear it because it hinders the mental and spiritual numbness necessary to continue in self-centeredness"
and another...
"It is you who hate us."
This is an outright lie. I am disappointed in your actions, but I have in no way stopped loving you. I have continued posting here, despite vicious personal attacks directed at me, in an attempt to reach you. Your blog is my proof.
"Which is why you resort to intimidation."
No amount of discussing what you think my flaws are will dilute one simple fact: Christians have a responsibility to act Christian.
You've never really responded to a question I've asked you periodically since we've met. How do we live as neighbors in peace given we are both immovable in our positions? Do we pretend the other does not exist? What is your ideal?
It is said that Hell is repetition. After reading John Hosty's posts, I really and truly believe that.
I'm less inclined to summon another apologist and more inclined to summon an exorcist at this point.
John Hosty will not see the truth unless he receives a deliverance from the evil spirits. We should summon all prayer warriors to offer deliverance prayers for him. Pray the Rosary especially. Paul has a good post on the Rosary at La Salette Journey.
Thank you William! It's nice to see you praying instead of demeaning me. I welcome all prayers that are in the name of love.
I still would like to know what the plan is for living together though.
You demean yourself with your anti-Catholic bigotry and your hate-filled calumny. Thankfully, virtually everyone who visits this Blog has seen through your hatred and your lies. Renee, in the latest thread here at DTF, for example. I have noticed that your hateful anti-Christian bigotry has not gone unnoticed at other websites as well. It seems that you have (in your lack of peace which is the result of living in mortal sin) disrupted so many forums.
Get some spiritual and psychological counseling. You have severe mental-health issues. Dozens and dozens of people can't be wrong John. You are psychologically and spiritually disturbed.
St. Michael, deliver this person from the Devil and heal his mental health issues.
William, would you care to state why I am now mentally ill, or will we simply file this under the same character assasination attempts as all the others?
How sad that you have to resort to such feeble schoolyard style attempts to keep people's attention off your own bigotry.
Help me not with the splinter in my eye when you have a log in your own. Pray for peace within.
It is clear from your continued attacks that I should not expect any form of respectful dialog with you. It seems the saying is true; you cannot have respect for others when you don't respect yourself. What a sad and miserable life you must have to speak about someone you don't know so vehemently.
Of course you'll simply hide behind Christ's robes and say that your actions are in His name. In actuality these are your own fears coming forward, not His will being served. You are better than this.
If the Catholic Church claims Papal infallibility, the least you can do in your attempt to refute it is to refute it based on the defintion the Catholic Church uses, not on another definition. One needs to define one's terms if one is truly committed to debate - I have defined the term in this debate as "Infallible means to be prevented from teaching in error on matters of Faith and morals, it does not mean impeccable or an inability to sin." You may wish to use the second definition of infallible, but by doing so you have relinquished any claim to refuting the Church's teaching. If you are trying to prove a point, show where the Church has taught in error, or changed it's teaching, on a matter of faith and morals. Then you would be worth debating, but not until.
Your actions highlight your mental instability John. EVERYWHERE you go, you sow discord and division and disrupt peace. You travel back and forth from one Christian Blog or website to another arguing with others and insisting that you're the victim as you routinely insult and slander anyone and everyone who won't march in lockstep to your mentally-ill sodomite "Gospel."
We don't visit your Blog and harass you John. Even though Paul Melanson refused to play your silly games and banned you from posting comments, you continued to leave comments at his Blog.
You are a certifiable nut case.
Get some proofessional help John. You are deranged.
"If you are trying to prove a point, show where the Church has taught in error, or changed it's teaching, on a matter of faith and morals."
Jay, I have two examples for you: slavery and women's rights.
William, I am a civil rights activist. This site is one of many that I have posted at. I've never said anything about being a victim. I have complained that you are insulting and degrading to me, and that is obvious even in you last post.
I wish you could for one second step out of yourself and see just how hateful you sound. It is this vitriol that makes me pause here to try and help you break away from this sin.
There is nothing that is left unsaid as far as insults directed at me so you should save your breath for more productive dialog. You are only making yourself look foolish, I've heard it all before, it won't phase me what you say.
In the end I have my freedoms intact regardless of what your opinions are. This is how it should be in America, neither of us able to silence or control the other. It is by all voices being heard that we have all the facts to think about.
John, you need professional psychological help. Your hate-filled and disruptive posts have no place here. You contribute nothing to dialogue. Your lack of peace and your hate have been noted at many websites and Blogs.
Get some professional help.
Two comments at the latest post here at DTF:
Michael Cole said...
It will be rather obvious to all who come here that John Hosty isn't interested in real dialogue but only in manipulation and distortions of reality.
Paul Melanson wrote this just recently...
"Authentic Christians have always and everywhere accepted a "healthy pluralism." At the same time, such Christians have also understood that they have an obligation to acknowledge their beliefs and to preach the moral message given to them by the Lord Jesus. The follower of the Lord Jesus possesses a qualified certainty regarding the tenets of Natural Law and other truths which are revealed by God and help guide the conduct of man. Consequently, the authentic Christian understands that Christian ethical principles inform human society.
The authentic Christian will reject the sophism of those who declare that anyone who does not buy into the Dictatorship of Relativism (a pluralism of opinions which rejects any and all absolute truth or even its possibility) is a "fanatic" or a "fundamentalist." On the contrary, the authentic Christian will defend the truth in a positive manner. And while respecting persons and living out charity, such a Christian will proclaim the truth without fear.
This is the mind of Christ. As Pope John Paul II taught us in his Encyclical Letter Veritatis Splendor, No. 95:
"The Church's teaching, and in particular her firmness in defending the universal and permanent validity of the precepts prohibiting intrinsically evil acts, is not infrequently seen as the sign of an intolerable intransigence, particularly with regard to the enormously complex and conflict-filled situations present in the moral life of individuals and of society today; this intransigence is said to be in contrast with the Church's motherhood. The Church, one hears, is lacking in understanding and compassion. But the Church's motherhood can never in fact be separated from her teaching mission, which she must always carry out as the faithful Bride of Christ, who is the Truth in person. "As Teacher, she never tires of proclaiming the moral norm... The Church is in no way the author or the arbiter of this norm. In obedience to the truth which is Christ, whose image is reflected in the nature and dignity of the human person, the Church interprets the moral norm and proposes it to all people of good will, without concealing its demands of radicalness and perfection".
In fact, genuine understanding and compassion must mean love for the person, for his true good, for his authentic freedom. And this does not result, certainly, from concealing or weakening moral truth, but rather from proposing it in its most profound meaning as an outpouring of God's eternal Wisdom, which we have received in Christ, and as a service to man, to the growth of his freedom and to the attainment of his happiness.
Still, a clear and forceful presentation of moral truth can never be separated from a profound and heartfelt respect, born of that patient and trusting love which man always needs along his moral journey, a journey frequently wearisome on account of difficulties, weakness and painful situations. The Church can never renounce the "the principle of truth and consistency, whereby she does not agree to call good evil and evil good"; she must always be careful not to break the bruised reed or to quench the dimly burning wick (cf. Is 42:3). As Paul VI wrote: "While it is an outstanding manifestation of charity towards souls to omit nothing from the saving doctrine of Christ, this must always be joined with tolerance and charity, as Christ himself showed by his conversations and dealings with men. Having come not to judge the world but to save it, he was uncompromisingly stern towards sin, but patient and rich in mercy towards sinners."
I have always presented the Church's teaching regarding homosexuality in a spirit of truth welded with charity, see here for example. However, homosexual activist John Hosty from Salem, Massachusetts has repeatedly referred to me as a "bigot" at the comments section of this Blog post.
I have never responded to Mr. Hosty's angry and accusatory comments. And I have no intention of doing so. I forgive them because I know where the hatred and lack of peace comes from. So filled with anger and hatred is Mr. Hosty that he has just left another comment at this Blog (which I have decided to keep but not to publish) in which he accuses me of having hatred in my heart while asserting that, "Christ never intended for you to be so wrapped up in fear that life becomes a burden rather than the blessing it should be....With all the wonders we have been given why would you want to waste so much time on this constant doom and gloom."
By this Mr. Hosty no doubt means that my adherence to the Church's Magisterial teaching regarding the sinfulness of homosexual acts constitutes "fear" (I'm surprised he didn't use the code-word "homophobia") and that reminding others of the sinfulness of homosexual acts constitutes "doom and gloom."
I don't see it that way. The Commandments of the Lord Jesus do not represent "doom and gloom" unless you are firmly committed toward rejecting them. Yes, Hell is doom and gloom. But fidelity to the Good News of Jesus Christ is not an attitude of fear and negativity. It is an attitude of hope. An attitude of love. We keep His Commandments because we love Him (John 14:15). And we are not ashamed of sharing His Good News with others nor will we cower in fear before those who seek to silence us with their intolerance.
The Dictatorship of Relativism would paint authentic Christians as "bigots." Click on the link above [ the title to this post] and ask yourself who the real bigots are."
The title to his post takes one to this article link:
11:03 AM
Renee said...
He has done the same on the Opine Editorials in which I'm taking an hiatus from.
join the club...
at least I know I'm in good company.
Jay have you checked out the Courage website? for open homosexuals who want to live a chaste life. They are having their annual conference here in Boston this August and Cardinal O'Malley is celebrating Mass.
You see John, your mental illness (which leads to a constant need to cause discord, fight, and get the last word) has been documented extensively not just here at DTF, but at La Salette Journey and the Opine Editorials - not to mention many other wbsites such as Mass Conservative Christian.
You have serious mental health issues John. One doesn't have to be a board certified psychiatrist to note this. It is painfully obvious to all except yourself and maybe a few of your fellow hard-core sodomite activists who tolerate you only for the sake of "the cause."
You need help from a real professional John. At a certain point, you will be forced to acknowledge what so many others have told you, that you are mentally sick John. If you had one shred of normalcy, you would have realized long ago that we don't share your sodomite ideology (and never will) and that your pathetic and childish arguments - if indeed one can even call them arguments - have been totally refuted.
Keep coming here all you want John. But I won't be giving you the attention you so desperately crave.
Keep the conversation going John. I won't be reading your inane and childish comments any longer. Others must feel the ame way since I don't see them posting in response to you any more.
Paul was wise to ban you. Get some help John. And go to confession. The confessional is the poor man's psychiatrist.
"John, you need professional psychological help. Your hate-filled and disruptive posts have no place here. You contribute nothing to dialogue."
Funny William, I was thinking the same thing about you. Being Christian is not a license to be abusive to those with whom you disagree.
I still ask the question: How do we live as neighbors in peace acknowledging the fact we are immovable on our positions?
You can throw all the insults in the world at me but it does not distract from the fact you have not answered the question.
William says, "The Decalogue teaches us not to bear false witness against our neighbor."
Without proper credentials for dialgnosis William has decided for himself that I am mentally ill and now is proclaiming his opinion as fact.
What does God think of people like this?
I am not a psychiatrist either. But I can look at Neil Entwhistle's cold blank courtroom stare and know that he's a sociopath devoid of emotion. I can examine the observable data and evidence in the Ted Bundy case (bodies hacked up and stacked neatly in a trunk) and know that Bundy was a sociopath. Likewise, I can view the facts regarding John Hosty (disrupting a multitude of Christian websites while pursuing arguments with almost everyone and lying about them in the process) and know that John Hosty has some mental health problems and should seek help.
Now I am likened to murderers? I'll add that to the growing list of names I have been called here. How sophomoric.
All this because I want to reach out to you and let you know it is possible for us to live in peace together as respectful neighbors regardless of our differences.
It is people like you who make unfounded and uneducated pressumptions that need psychocological help.
It is not up to me (or you) to decide for Christ who is worth our effort, so I will continue to reach out and hope that love wins out regardless of these petty attacks. Some things are just more important, and saving souls is one of those things.
I forgive you your trespasses against me as I ask God to forgive mine. Go in peace, and take Christ love with you. Spread that instead of vitriol.
Please, fervently pray:
That TODAY OR TOMORROW NEBOJSA makes new steps toward me (call, approach, apologize) and that WE COMPLETE RECONCILE AND SPEND CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR EVE TOGETHER!
That God keep us in His care and help us to work out all problems
For God’s protection of our love and future
That God keep evil influences and envy and jealous opinions and people away from our relationship!
Thank you very much.
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