Mar 13, 2008

Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Paul Faraj Rahho RIP

Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Paul Faraj Rahho, who had been kidnapped by terrorists in Northern Iraq last week, was found dead in Mosul today. Initial reports were that He had been shot, but an autopsy could not confirm this.

May the Divine Mercy reamin always with us, and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Paul Anthony Melanson said...

Rest in peace beloved servant of God. And pray for us. That we may have the strength to endure our own Calvary* which is so quickly approaching. Long live Christ the King!

* CCC, 675-677

Anonymous said...

The Archbishop Paul Faraj Rahho is a martyr (a witness) to the Faith. Let us rejoice that we now have him interceding for the Church on earth in Heaven. Truly, only God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can bring about good from such an evil act.

Praise be the Holy Trinity.

Anonymous said...
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Ellen Wironken said...

And Calvary is approaching for us. Read here:
