Jan 3, 2007

Gotham bull

April 9, 2006, the New York Times Sunday Magazine ran an anti-Pro-Life cover story by Jack Hitt claiming that a woman in El Salvador, Carmin Climaco, was serving a 30-year prison term for aborting her 18-week old 'fetus'. The problem was, Hitt never checked the court records; Climaco was guilty of infanticide of her full term baby, not abortion. A forensic examination showed that it was a full term normal delivery, the child was breathing at the time of birth, and the official cause of death was asphyxia by strangulation, according to the easily obtainable court records. Hat tip to Michelle Malkin on this story.

A retraction of this Pro-choice propaganda is clearly in order, and the NYT ombudsman, Byron Calame called for the NYT editorial board to do just that. But the Editorial board refuses. That says a lot about the truthiness of the New York Times. To paraphrase Twain, there's Lies, Damn Lies, and the New York Times.


JayG said...

"...The media has a certain pathological denial of basic truths when it comes to abortion. Newspaper editorial policies systematically refuse to mention 'pro-life' unless it can be used in the most derogatory way to undermine our cause. I was once interviewed by a newspaper in front of an abortion mill while praying, and when the story came out, I, a Catholic priest, was referred to as an 'anti-abortion volunteer' of all things! Needless to say, 'pro-choice advocates' are heroic; everyone else is 'anti-choice' - you know the rest as well as I.

The worst offender against the truth, The New York Times, is presently embroiled in a scandal of immense proportions which shows a detestable collaboration between the two money-making industries of media and abortion. In April of last year The New York Times Magazine published a story on the nation of El Salvador called 'Pro-Life Nation' in which I was interviewed and HLI's affiliate director in that country, Julia Regina de Cardenal, was featured. The piece was written by a guy named Jack Hitt, and his surname was not far off the mark of his intentions: he clearly intended to slander the situation of a completely abortion-free nation by skewing evidence to make this tiny pro-life nation look as if it were throwing women into jail for what we in American consider to be a natural 'choice.'

Specifically, Mr. Hitt presented the case of a woman who had been incarcerated for thirty years because she had exercised her freedom of choice in abortion. 'She'd had a clandestine abortion at 18 weeks... something defined as absolutely legal in the United States. It's just that she'd had an abortion in El Salvador,' Hitt wrote. The only problem was that, after Julia Regina checked the facts, that so-called 'clandestine abortion' turned out to be a despicable lie. The woman did not have an abortion. The court determined that she had given birth to a full-term baby and then strangled him!

The nastier side of the story is that Mr. Hitt had used a translator in El Salvador who worked for Ipas (International Projects Assistance Services), an American organization that makes abortion suction machines and exports them to the Third World. This killing conglomerate in Chapel Hill, NC then turned around and used Mr. Hitt's article to raise funds to promote abortion in Latin America, a huge conflict of interest because Ipas stands to make loads of cash selling extermination machines anytime countries legalize abortion. This was a perfect one-two punch for 'choice' if I ever saw one...
Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer
President, Human Life International"

JayG said...

"A lie goes half way around the world before the Truth gets its boots on"

The British Guardian Newspaper had published the Jack Hitt piece WITHOUT the correction about the murdering mother Carmen Climaco, who's erroneously portrayed as a victim of abortion laws...

Does anyone trust the NYT any more? Anyone with discernment and a passion for the Truth?