Dec 14, 2006

Bought and Paid for

The gay web site, had an editiorial that claimed gays had donated over $1,000,000 to Massachusetts Legislators running for election, had volunteered numerous hours, and had basically got many members of the Massachusetts House and Senate elected. The editorial then asked of the Marriage Petition, that the Legislators, "make it go away."

Democracy bought and paid for!

So 109 members of the Legislature voted to recess the Constitutional Convention on Nov. 9. This is a move to kill the Initiative Petition process, and to undermine the State constitution. Fight the corrupt moneyed influence peddlers, come to the Vote on Marriage Rally at Worcester City Hall, 1:30PM Saturday December 16, and tell those 109 Legislators to get out of the pocket of moneyed same-sex marriage lobbyists, and "Let the People Vote!"

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