Nov 3, 2006

Results over Legitimacy

The forces in favor of same-sex marriage have come out in favor of results over legitimacy. The only means to put a legitimate veneer over same-sex marriage would be to allow the political process to run its course, by having the MA state legislature vote to allow the people of the state to vote on any changes to the definition of marriage. Even though 170,000 signature were gathered, and the State Supreme Judicial Court has ruled it Constitutional, the gay community is against it.

Here is what they have to say for themselves:
"Plenty of people - Catholic bishops, editorial writers at the Boston Globe, political bloggers - believe that the only honorable way to deal with this amendment is by taking an up-or-down vote on it. We feel differently: the only honorable way to deal with this amendment is by killing it. We don't care how it's done: Vote it down, adjourn the ConCon, fail to make a quorum. Whatever. Just make this thing go away. Lawmakers owe the LGBT community nothing less."
"LGBT people have raised more than a million dollars for you. We have volunteered for your political campaigns. We have urged our friends to vote for you. Thanks in no small measure to our efforts, not a single one of you who has supported marriage equality has lost your seat."
- Bay Windows, "Open Letter to Bay State Lawmakers" (11/02/06)

Please Register with CatholicCitizenship - and contact your Legislators today to prevent these backroom political shenanigans. Let the People vote!

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