Oct 2, 2006

Beware False Teachers

The former religion advisor to Presidential Candidate and abortion absolutist John Kerry has published a Voters Guide, which, no surprise here, claims it is OK for Catholics to vote for Candidates who support and want to expand, abortion. They call themselves 'Catholics in Alliance with the Common Good' (not Catholic in Alliance with the Pope) and their 12-page voter guide is called, 'Voting for the Common Good: A Practical Guide for Conscientious Catholics'. It is more a guide for Contentious Catholics. Or Mendacious Catholics.

Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute in Washington, called it "a blatant attempt to convince Catholics that they can vote for candidates who are wrong on the primary human rights issue of our time, which is abortion."

The Rev. Joseph Fessio, provost of Ave Maria University in Naples, Fla., said it is "a flight into abstraction" that treats all issues as though they have the same weight. "Some issues are disqualifying issues. You don't vote for someone who kills babies. You don't vote for someone who destroys the family by supporting homosexual marriage."

I recommend sticking with Fr. Torrocco's Voter Guide, or the one from Catholic Answers, available online in English, Spanish and Portuguese. These are Voter Guides in the sense of explaining Catholic theology and how to apply it to voting. The kind of Voter Guide that explains the candidate's position on certain topics such as abortion and same-sex marriage can be found at the Massachusetts Family Institute.

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