Aug 11, 2006

Eschatology of killing Jews

CNN Interview with Former PLO Terrorist, WALID SHOEBAT, AUTHOR, "WHY I LEFT JIHAD"

PHILLIPS: Well, I mean, I'm going to ask you the obvious. Why were you involved in terrorism and who recruited you?

SHOEBAT: Well, you have to understand the recruitment doesn't start at recruitment centers, basically. They start from the mosque. You go daily to pray or to the Friday prayers, whether you go to the Temple Mount, whether you go to the local mosque. And this is not only in the Palestinian areas, this is all throughout the Middle East. It has been going on from the eons of time.

And it is eschatological teaching regarding the destruction of the state of Israel, regarding the destruction of the Jewish people and basically an Islamic country that considers Israel as an Islamic country and once an Islamic foothold was there before in the past, it must never be occupied by a non-Muslim country. The eradication of the Jewish people is top in the eschatological norm, in the schools, in the mosques, in the centers, everywhere you go.

So, from all aspects of life, if you go walk in the streets and see the graffiti around you, things like we knock on the gates of heaven with the skulls of Jews, this is the kind of mentality they have. And I always ask myself the question, what does knocking on the gates of heaven with the skulls of Jews have anything to do with the political desire to establish a state called Palestine?

PHILLIPS: But when you were a teenager, I mean, you didn't know all this as a teenager. You were, what, 16 when you joined the PLO. Why did you want to join this organization and did you realize that you were about to get involved with a group that was going to kill innocent people?

SHOEBAT: Well, you have to understand, you join at 5 years old. Going to school, we sang the song -- all the schoolchildren sang, (Speaking in Arabic) which means "Arabs are beloved, and Jews are dogs."

So, right, even going to a Christian school we learned that Jesus was a Palestinian revolutionist. So from the Biblical perspective and the Koranic perspective, all the religion was used as a base for teaching revolution. This is the dogma that they teach.

So when you go -- by the time I went to high school, that's when we learned the eradication of the Jewish people...

SHOEBAT: We have to understand, terrorism is a cult-like education to convert masses of people to become remorseless killers. And it's like a drug addiction. It feeds on frenzy-like speeches. It galvanizes people in a euphoric fashion, where an Israeli, when he's killed, they come out with the blood and thy carry guts and hearts and kidneys and, you know, parade them in the streets of Ramallah.

…We don't solve the problem by simply destroying Hezbollah only, but we solve the problem by going to the mosques where they're manufacturing of these -- this education is going on. We need to fire the clergy.

…We need to understand that this type of Islam that's being taught in the Middle East and being taught in America, as well, is not a religion. Once it goes beyond that boundary, it becomes a government system. It becomes a civil code that wants to establish itself universally throughout the whole world. Once we understand that, we understand to deal with it just as we deal with drugs.

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