Jul 6, 2006

Article 20

I received an email asking about Article 20 and the Massachusetts State Constitutional Convention. There is a lot of confusion on this issue, much of it generated by the Pro Same-sex marriage side, but I’ll try to summarize.

Basically the 170,000 signatures that we helped gather last Fall (the State stopped certifying after 123356, more than twice the required number) is for the Amendment to the MA State Constitution simply defining marriage as only between 1 man and 1 woman. In order for us citizens to vote on this amendment, one fourth of the Legislature must vote to allow it at Constitutional Conventions in 2006 and 2007, so the question could go on the ballot in 2008. The Amendment is known as Article 20 at the State Constitutional Convention. The Legislature postponed the 2006 Constitution Convention from May until July 12, and there are lots of rumors and information that the Pro Gay Marriage forces will seek to derail this vote on Article 20, which would mean it can't go to the Voters in 2008. Even though it is illegal, Thomas Birmingham did this to our original petition at the 2003 State Constitutional Convention, and Sal DiMasi could still try to do it again at the 2006 Convention. What is different this time is that Gov. Romney has promised to enforce the Law, and drag the Legislators back to Boston to Vote on Article, unlike Jane Swift’s inaction in 2003.

I think this is actually likely because two forces are at work. The Pro Gay Marriage lobby wants to prevent this petition from ever getting to the public for a Vote in 2008, so they will put a lot of pressure on liberal Democrats to squash it before then. The Liberals love the money from these lobby groups, and are afraid of crossing them, so they probably will close the Convention before voting on Article 20. Romney has National Republican aspirations, so calling the Legislature back, especially with Police escort, will surely play well on a National Republican level. This will also give the Liberal Democrats cover with the Pro Gay Lobby – they can claim they tried but were forced by the mean old Governor. Then it is likely we get the 25% of the votes of the Legislature to let this petition proceed to next years Convention. But we have to keep the pressure on the Legislators. Please continue to remind our State politicians.


One last point, there is a fake marriage amendment, Article 19, with slightly different wording then the real Article 20, but different enough to nullify our attempt to get this question before the voters. Don't be fooled.

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