Nov 28, 2008

International Pro-Life front

Pro-abortion groups will present petitions December 10th asking the United Nation's General Assembly to make abortion a universally recognized human right. The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute created an alternate petition drive that calls for government to interpret the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as protecting human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

The United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Article 3, states "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person" and Article 6 states "Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law."

C-Fam needs at least 100,000 signatures by December 10th, the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.' Please go to the Website: and sign this petition

Also in Europe, The pro-abortion lobby is determined to overturn Ireland's constitutional ban on abortion in a case before the European Court of Human Rights which will have worldwide implications, including in the US, according to American legal experts.

Nov 22, 2008

Latest on the Pro-Life front

Pray for all of our elected leaders, especially when they consider promoting the Culture of Death with legislation such as the Freedom of Choice Act, FOCA. Sign the Petition urging the President and Congress not to demolish the last few remnents of restriciton against Abortion on Demand.

FOCA will do away with the state laws on parental notification and involvement, on late term and partial birth abortion (the last few which have not wiggled around restrictions by saying it's for the mother's health), and on all other protections.
FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions.
FOCA will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.

Pray the good fight! Add your name to the Fight FOCA petition.

Pro-abortion groups will present petitions December 10th asking the United Nation's General Assembly to make abortion a universally recognized human right. The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute created an alternate petition drive that calls for government to interpret the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as protecting human life from the moment of conception to natural death. They need at least 100,000 signatures by December 10th, the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.' Please go to the Website: and sign the petition

Nov 10, 2008

The Human Fund

Stephen Kent asserts in his Consider This editorial in the Catholic Free Press, that criticism of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, CCHD "evidences a fear that somewhere, somehow, Christianity might be effective in making a difference." Count me fearful.

Kent admits that CCHD funds community self-help organizations. Over 200 community organizations train activists according to the democratic socialism theories of Saul Alinsky. Alinsky wrote in Rules for Radicals that "an organizer working for change...does not have a fixed truth Рtruth to him is relative and changing." Alinsky's 3rd rule of Ethics is "...the end justifies almost any means." This leads to the disturbing situation where the Pacific Institute for Community Organization, PICO, which gets 6% of its budget from CCHD, lobbies the State of California for mobile health vans that travel around dispensing mobile health care services such as referrals to Planned Parenthood for birth control and abortion. These PICO promoted vans have a client̬le that includes school children. These disturbing situations repeat themselves in places like El Paso, where the El Milagro Clinic serves the poor through a "community health development approach" that includes partnering with Planned Parenthood again for abortion and birth control. CCHD has simply gone stealth in recent years since being caught in 1996 donating directly to the radical feminist Pro-Abortion on demand group, the National Organization for Women, NOW, and the various San Francisco Advocacy groups that sponsored the "Fight for the Right March" to promote "lesbian, gay and bisexual rights."

The CCHD funding of Alinsky influenced community organizations has the double barrel effect of furthering a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual civic agenda and provides the vehicle through which Catholics are systematically indoctrinated to work against Catholic teaching such as the preferential option for the unborn – the most defenseless.

Kent's defense of CCHD is dishonest because he leaves out the most important news – that the CCHD had to suspend further funding of the Association of Community Organization Reform Now, ACORN, after the numerous substantiated charges of voter registration fraud by this group during the recent election. CCHD gave ACORN over $1Million last year. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has hired a forensic accounting specialist to investigate this church funding to ACORN, fearing the money may have been spent in partisan or fraudulent ways that could jeopardize the church's tax-exempt status. Before these ACORN revelations I would have thought these donations wasteful, now I have to ponder the criminality of it all. You can read this story on Kent's employer's web site, the Catholic News Service.

Subsidiarity was a principle preached by Pope Leo XIII in RERUM NOVARUM and it means we should do what we can on the local level. We should start this November.

As Fr. Richard John Neuhaus recently wrote, "Some bishops no longer allow the [C]CHD collection in their dioceses, and more should not allow it. In fact, [C]CHD, misbegotten in concept and corrupt in practice, should, at long last, be terminated."

Nov 6, 2008

On the Election:

Initially and in some small way, after going past my profound disappointment, I felt some relief: relief that the lines are ever clearer, relief that since they are in charge, they can not make excuses anymore, relief that maybe now I can focus on praying instead of politics.
Relief that no one can call America a racist country anymore, which was always an excuse.
Relief that any Supreme court appointments Obama makes will be for the ones who are so dedicated to the Culture of death that others could not be any worse.
Relief that even if we lose the battle, He has won the war.
Perhaps we were not meant to compromise, or compromise so much...

It won't be easy, but I'm going to pray for Obama, that he be guided by the Holy Spirit. That's our calling and I'm not going to argue with it.

Now that I have had a day or two to ponder the election results, my mood is shifting towards slight feelings of awe. Why do I say this? Traditional Marriage. In the fog of war of this election, we may have lost sight of part of a bigger picture here. In California, Obama’s draw among blacks and Hispanics is credited with bringing a much larger percentage than normal of both of these groups of people to the polls. In turn the sustaining of Proposition 8, defining marriage as only between one man and one woman, appears to have won based on this larger than normal turnout of people who believe in Traditional Marriage, people who showed up to vote largely because of Obama. So California appears to have prevented the further spread of unnatural definitions of marriage. Florida also voted against the corruption of the definition of marriage.
Likewise in Massachusetts we worked hard during 2006 to get the Marriage vote on the ballot, only to have the bought and paid for State Legislature refuse to convene a Constitutional Convention and prevent any ballot voting on the definition of marriage. But judging on the results of the election in Massachusetts, it is highly likely that a majority of Citizens could have voted for same-sex marriage. So the political shenanigans of the MA Democrats and the Homosexual Lobby actually prevented a vote that could have brought a measure of legitimacy to their disordered quest.
We are left with a clear vote against gay marriage in the two most populous states, and an illegitimate mandate for same-sex marriage through raw judicial fiat from the Bluest of the Blue states, Massachusetts.
Now we still need to pray for Obama to be open to the Holy Spirit when he considers abortion and the Freedom of Choice Act, but we still have some options open. Pray the good fight!

Nov 1, 2008

Dr. Kim Daniels response

Dr. Kim Daniels is a black pastor/counselor in a church in Florida. She was misundertood to be for Obama and below is her response. Her outspoken comments regarding how Christians should approach voting for those who will govern over them are appreciated. She poses a challenging question regarding pastors and Christians who are so outspoken on the election now (what happens after the election?): " I pray that these same folk will be just as radical when the dust settles and they find out that all change is not good and they did not get what they thought they would get." (Note: The fight isn't over after the election.jt)

Testimony ministry invo available online. On entering her website she has a link to Abortion Pictures. They are graphic, but a good reminder why we cannot give up the fight for the innocent unborn. Abortion isn't a word, it's a cruel death. Prov. 24: 10-12
God bless, Judy/Mom "Commanders" are prayer intercessors.
I was very shocked to discover that someone listed a small column on a web page 'Why I support Obama' (By Kimberly Daniels) with Obama-Biden campaign letterhead. If someone did this, what will be next? The page even gives the reasons that I support this candidate. It even goes as far as to put a silhouette of a picture that looks like me on one of my books.
I would like to state that I have not publically endorsed any candidate! I have been dealing with issues that I feel threaten the future rights of the church and what God wants to deal with in America. I have been preaching on these issues (Abortion, Homosexuality and Religious Rights) for fifteen years, during elections and when there were no elections. We just happen to be in the midst of an election and I will not change my message. I will be preaching the same truth that I have been preaching; no matter who is running for president. This will be until I die or Jesus returns! I have also been radical about whatever I preached, check my tracking record some folk are getting radical simply because of this election. I pray that these same folk will be just as radical when the dust settles and they find out that all change is not good and they did not get what they thought they would get. I am sure that God will cause one of the candidates to win this race. Psalms 75:6 says that God promotes! In our case, in America, God will allow as the people choose. One of two things will happen:

1. The mercy of God will give us more time to get our houses in order to prepare for the onslaughts of the antichrist (a world leader) and the beast (the world system), for one day both will be manifested for who and what they are.
2. America will be placed under the rule of a demonic-influenced task master that will tax the people more than financially. Yokes and burdens that cannot be seen will be the portion of those who vote outside of the will of God. It is what happened when Samuel tried to convince Israel that God did not want them to have a king. The people would not hear the voice of the prophet. Samuel talked to God about it in I Samuel 1:19.

First God says in I Samuel 1:19 'Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.'
Then God says
I Samuel 1:18 ' When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day.' 19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. 'No!' they said. 'We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.' 21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the LORD. 22 The LORD answered, 'Listen to them and give them a king.'

Whatever happens, Jesus is Lord over America! My prayer is that God does not give the people what they want. It will come out of their nostrils and cause them to throw up.

It is not so much that I support Senator McCain; I simply CANNOT support Barack Hussein Obama for the President of the United States, because of my convictions as a believer. Since the devil picked this fight by creating this lie on the internet, I have a right to respond and finish it! I have not been quiet about my views on what is going on in America. My public views have strictly pertained to that which I feel are pertinent to the kingdom. This is my responsibility as a prophet! If you wish to no longer receive emails as a commander because of this please let me know at I really respect any position people have privately about their convictions; but when I was ordained as a preacher I lost some of my rights to keep certain things private. I will not allow the beast to shut my mouth!

Therefore, I will give information I have come across about the candidates. I cannot confirm McCain's church affiliation or spiritual position. Up to this time he is not using Christianity as a vehicle in his campaign. Obama does! No man can determine what is in another man's heart but we are commanded to try spirits by the Spirit of God as to whether they are of God. I have gathered information on Obama and Palin concerning their church affiliations (long before their political careers where public knowledge) and what kind of spiritual upbringings they have had.