Jul 31, 2007

in what sense is contraception demonic?

While most Catholics (at least those not in politics) accept Church teaching on abortion, a majority don't understand the Church's stand on artificial contraception; so they don't follow it.
Canon Lawyer Pete Vere thought likewise, until he investigated the history of abortion and contraception.
Vere found that abortion and contraception are nothing new, they are ancient, and that from the time of Moses on up to the time just after the Reformation, many herbalists knew how to concoct fertility reducing and abortifacient potions. In fact, the Hippocratic oath [which physicians no longer take] the doctor swore "Nor will I give a woman a p[l]essary to procure abortion", or another translation has "I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy."

What shocked Vere was the discovery that sorcery was often involved with those who sought to thwart God's gift of fertility to couples. In Eve's Herbs: A History of Contraception and Abortion in the West (2002) North Carolina State University History Professor Dr. John Riddle shows "that abortion and contraception are often linked to pagan gods (or more commonly, goddesses); and...that the Christian church has struggled against abortion and contraception for centuries." The first catechism, the Didache (80AD) has these words,"2:2 {Thou shalt do no murder, thou shalt not commit adultery,} thou shalt not corrupt boys, thou shalt not commit fornication, {thou shalt not steal,} thou shalt not deal in magic, thou shalt do no sorcery, thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill them when born,"

In other words, "in ancient and medieval times, contraception and abortion were often considered a form of sorcery and witchcraft, rather than a form of medicine."

Today we should all clearly understand that abortion is murder, but also that at minimum artificial contraception is putting God to the test, but at maximum equivalent to sorcery.

Jul 28, 2007

In what sense is abortion demonic?

Excerpt from Fr. Thomas Euteneuer's upcoming book on exorcism:
The spiritual dimension of this grisly "business" is its systematizing of ritual blood sacrifice to the god of child murder, Moloch...[the]...bloodthirsty beast [from the Bible and History] that demands the killing of children as his form of worship... His insatiable appetite for the death of innocents seeks public endorsement to justify his gruesome deeds, and he needs a systematic expression of it to increase his worship.

The modern abortion industry offers ritual blood sacrifice to the ancient abortion demon. It is in every way a demonic religion. It has its sacred dogma ("choice"), its ruling hierarchy (Planned Parenthood), its theologians (feminist ideologues), its sacrificing priesthood (abortionists), its temples (abortion mills), altars (surgical tables), ritual victims (primarily babies and secondarily women), acolytes and sacristans (clinic workers and death-scorts), congregations (all supporters of abortion) and its own unifying principle of sacramental "grace" (money). In short, the abortion industry is a perfect demonic system which offers a perverse form of worship to the devil.

The sacrificial victim in this demonic religion is not a brute animal as was offered to the Old Testament God of Israel in a legitimate system of religious sacrifices. In abortion, the victim is an innocent human being who is made in the "image and likeness of God" and who can never defend herself. This combination of innocence, parental participation and ritualized obliteration of the visage of God in human form is the devil’s way of blaspheming the Father with the misguided participation of God’s own children. The systematic destruction of the human body which St. Paul calls "the temple of the Holy Spirit" is a blasphemous insult to God. If the abortion business is not truly demonic, nothing is.

Jul 26, 2007

Shutting down Free Speech

Shutting Down Free Speech:
By Chuck Colson, 7/25/2007
The Gay Agenda Triumphant

It doesn't pay to take your constitutional right to free speech seriously anymore-at least, not if you live in Oakland, California. There, a handful of African-American Christian women recently found out that their free speech rights had effectively been outlawed.
The women, who are Oakland government employees, had formed an organization called the Good News Employee Association. As their flyer put it, their group was "a forum for people of Faith to express their views on the contemporary issues of the day. With Respect for the Natural Family, Marriage, and Family Values."

As columnist George Will relates, the women posted their flyer after other employee groups, including those advocating gay rights, had advertised their activities on the city's email system and bulletin board. When Good News asked for equal opportunity, they were told to forget it. City officials destroyed their flyer. They accused the women of Good News of being "determined to promote harassment based on sexual orientation. If the women posted any more flyers, or sent their message via email, the city warned, they would be disciplined and perhaps terminated.

In effect, as Will notes, Oakland "has proscribed any speech that even one person might say questioned the gay rights agenda and therefore created what that person felt was a "hostile environment." While homosexual rights groups used the city's email system to advertise "Happy Coming Out Day," the terms "natural family" and "marriage" and "family values" are considered intolerably inflammatory, he adds.

This is why so-called "hate crimes" laws, like the one being considered by the U.S. Congress, are so dangerous. They can be used as a weapon to censor peaceful political speech that someone doesn't like. The goal of homosexual groups is not to stop violence, or truly hateful speech; it's to silence anyone who says that homosexual behavior is a biological disorder or a moral wrong. Mere disagreement is redefined as hate.

The Good News group has gone to court over Oakland's attack on their First Amendment rights, and the super-liberal Ninth Circuit Court, not surprisingly, has ruled against them. The group now hopes the Supreme Court will intervene.

You and I need to be aware of attempts to encroach on our right to speak out against moral evils. We must also understand that this is ultimately a spiritual battle.

The Bible and natural law teachings tell us that God's law is written upon our hearts and are known to all. As Christian philosopher J. Budziszewski writes in his book The Revenge of Conscience, those who rationalize their sins find it to be so much work that they require other people to support them in it. Society itself must be transformed so that it no longer stands in awful judgment.

This is why gay activist groups want to change the law to suppress any speech that identifies homosexual behavior as either a biological disorder or a moral wrong.

You and I must pray for those who are caught up in homosexuality; their lives are tragic. But we must also remember that, as the Apostle Paul puts it, we must witness to the truth, no matter what human lawmakers say or do, because we owe our ultimate allegiance to the eternal lawgiver: God.

Jul 16, 2007

Gate closed?

Why was this gate blocked, and why was a cemetary placed in front on it?

Jul 12, 2007

Gut Feeling

How did the mother of three from a small Montana town help develop Cyber Counter-Jihadism, prevent terrorist attacks, and lead to the conviction of American Traitor to Al Qaida Ryan G. Anderson?
Read the fasinating story about Shannon Rossmiller in the Middle East Quarterly.

Jul 9, 2007

Motu Proprio

The text of Motu Proprio can be found on Rocco Palmo's excellent site.